Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reflaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflaction - Essay Example ders arises from innocent diet and life decisions and goals, only to result in anorexia that requires months of intervention from hospitals and outpatient psychotherapy to get back to old self. However, anorexia is preventable by the avoiding consumer culture described by Jhally, and unconditionally embracing self and learning to honor and love of our bodies (579). Riley acknowledges that negative body image, like that experienced by Chernik during teenage, is common among girls and young women, especially White, as they continually become dissatisfied with their bodies. However, the black woman is not so much into weight losing but into independence, intelligence and self-confident implying that weight losing is only a priority when there is need to lose it after which one can get back to old lifestyles. I am angered by Riley’s approach of living that focuses more on identifying the body she wanted to be in and working out to get just it and the doing nothing to sustain it, thus encouraging bulimia nervosa. Like the anorexia Nervosa patient, the blacks suffering from bulimia only react to weigh loss calls when obese and seek positive body image (230). Like Chernik and Riley, Coward argues that feminism today emphasizes life-threatening slimness that sees the young and old conflict with their bodies as they search for fashionable slimness through elimination of problem areas (345). Considering Coward’s argument, I am inspired to think that whether one ends up being anorexic or non-bulimic, the goal is to get rid of excessive fat in the body especially around the stomach, bosoms, and legs (346). The implication is that women negatively connote the perfect well-rounded female body in search of sexually immature adolescent figure. Though married, Bergman is wants to lose weight and attain the perfect female body her own style and would be gland if it would involve a surgery to get that desired body. Unlike Chernik and Riley, she would only have surgery to

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