Saturday, August 10, 2019

Cross Curricullum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Cross Curricullum - Essay Example The process of learning is as important as the content learned (Newby 2005). Professor Colin J. Marsh (2004) suggests that any definition of curriculum gives insight about its main characteristics and emphases. One of his definitions notes the significance of ‘permanent’ subjects such as grammar, mathematics, reading, logic and literature of the Western world which represent necessary knowledge. This has been known as the â€Å"knowledge-based curriculum†. This model of curriculum has been implemented in most schools. An example of this could be the National Curriculum in the UK which has specific content subjects with specific goals for student achievement. It is essential to remember that subjects and syllabi need to be adjusted to fit current culture and the society. One of the most traditional and most commonly used models is â€Å"content or syllabus-based†. Blenkin et al (1992) suggest that curriculum is delineated into subjects and delivered through a bulk of knowledge-content. Education, he states, is the route where these can be transferred to students using efficient teaching and learning methods. This type of curriculum emphasizes students attending schools to learn subject-specific facts. It also helps to use this model in assessment process where students, according to their gained qualification can be grouped in to high and low achievers. Furthermore, it dictates what route a student will be able to take. Students with high grades traditionally would be expected to progress to universities where less successful students would be advised to take a non academic route (i e. study a vocational programme or gain employment elsewhere). It is interesting to note that most of the employers are not as interested in a depth of ones’ subject knowledge but more on practical skills such as problem solving, analysing, evaluating, self-reflection and self discipline which are directly related to work (Ross, 2000). However, this does not discount the fact that subject-based curriculum will always have a place in education. The Review of the national primary curriculum of UK prioritizes the development of: A strong, coherent curriculum which has flexibility to personalise teaching and learning is crucial to driving up standards further. It is central to the ambitions we have set out in the Children’s Plan and to delivering the outcomes of the Every Child Matters agenda. (Rose, 2009, p. 27). The key outcomes of Every Child Matters agenda are the following: being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and economic well-being (HM Treasury, 2003).In addition, the Rose review likewise recommends that the curriculum must provide all pupils with a broad and balanced entitlement to learning which encourages creativity and inspires in them a commitment to learning that will last a lifetime. (Rose, 2009, p. 27) Currently, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, (ATL, 20 06) proposes that changes in the National Curriculum should start with the pupil in mind – his needs and interests and should be designed in terms of the skills and attitudes educators would want pupils to pursue and develop. Emphasis of the curriculum mu

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