Sunday, June 2, 2019

Life In A Reinassiance City Essay -- essays research papers

Life in A Renaissance City &8220&8230the most varied forms of human development are found united in the history of Florence, which in this sense deserves the name of the first modern State in the world, &8220 (Burckhardt)Florence was the place of origin of the renaissance and the perfect example of a renaissance city. The city was founded during the Roman Empire but didn&8217t become important until the time of the renaissance. They had guilds, the patronage system, salient(ip) architecture, and was the home to some of the most important and influential renaissance figures and artists. (Beers)All of the occupations were controlled by a guild. Guilds were a group of people that belong to the same professions and passel a standard set of guidelines. Everyone belonged to a guild, not just the rich. A poor person would serve as an apprentice to a guild member. The to a greater extent important guilds were the silk and cloth traders as well as bankers and judges. Lesser guilds were t he butchers, blacksmiths and masons. (Bynog) &8220In the early history of Florence, there were battles between the guilds, which involved ransacking the city. This demonstrates how important the guilds were. They were much than just corporations or labor unions, (Bynog). The 12 guilds that controlled trade were the key to Florence&8217s commercial success. This was because the wealthy members of the guilds usually held go...

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