Thursday, June 6, 2019

Coffee Benefits Essay Example for Free

Coffee Benefits EssayIntroductionI.I believe there is something special in our little everyday moments, from that first wonderful sip of hot, milky drinking chocolate in the morning to those ten stolen minutes of me. II.Not only does coffee taste genuine, it rouse stimulate my mind to refresh and relax. III.Coffee stimulates your senses from its caffeine content which stimulates metabolism and supports mental alertness and concentration.IV.Coffee may hydrate you beside its advantage of relaxing. a.Because water is the main ingredient in a cup of coffee, it helps you work towards your daily water needs and is practically free of calories. V.Coffee refreshes you with its wealth of polyphenols.a.Polyphenols atomic number 18 nutrients that help maintain your body in good health over time. VI.Today I would share with you guys about the three major health benefits of coffee coffee and antioxidants, coffee and your mind and coffee and your body. (Transition Lets start with the cof fee and antioxidants)BodyI.Research has shown that a cup of coffee naturally comes with antioxidants, which are really good for you. a.Your body is constantly exposed to particles called free radicals. i.Particles which are caused by factors like exposure to ultravio permit radiation from the sun, environmental pollution, stress and smoking. b.scientific studies suggest that free radicals can damage your body tissues, affect the ageing butt against and cause diseases like cataracts, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.c.Antioxidants in your body neutralize the free radicals and protect your body cells from damage. (Transition Now that you know something about the coffee and antioxidants, lets look at coffee and your mind)II.Many studies suggest that coffee drinking can purify overall cognitive performance. a.The cognitive performance which includes substantial mental skills like perception, attention, memory, problem solving and reaction or response abilities. b.There is some evi dence to suggest potential benefits of coffee and caffeine in situations which beg increased alertness e.g. night shifts and jet lag.(Transition Now I have brief about the coffee and your mind. So lets move to the last)III.Upping Your visible Performance and weight management aid a.Increasing your capability and capacity for exercise.b.This means that you can keep going at a more intense pace, for a longer period and gain more from your workouts c.Did you know that a plain black cup of coffee contains a very small amount of calories? i.In fact, coffee may be able to help maintain a healthy weightConclusionI.As we have seen, Coffee provides numerous health benefits which are contains antioxidants, improve cognitive performance and physical performance. II.Thus, the next time you drink a cup of coffee, just think of all its benefits go beyond taste. BibliographyBooksS Rautiainen et al, 2012. Total antioxidant Capacity from Diet and Risk of Myocardial Infarction A prospective Cohort of Women. The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 125.R Sinha et al, 2012. Caffeinated and decaffeinated and tea intakes and gamble of colorectal cancer in a large prospective study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 96 374-381.ArticleSin CWM, et al (2008). regular review on the effectiveness of caffeine abstinence on the quality of sleep. J Clin Nursing 1813-21.Internet sourcesCoffee Health From The Institute For Scientific Information On Coffee. Cancer. (27 Jan, 2012) Retrieved 26 Sept 2012 from http// Health From The Institute For Scientific Information On Coffee. Mental Performance . (2 Feb, 2012) retrieved 26 Sept 2012 from http//

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