Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Uses and Hemp

Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Uses and Hemp Marijuana, dope, weed, pot, these are all names for a drug that has many medical uses, but it not currently legal in the United States. Marijuana is still used extensively for medical purposes, even though it is illegal. Marijuana, when smoked, produces a chemical substance known as THC, or tetra-hydro-cannabinol. It is often used as a recreational drug, which is used to heighten perception, and relax the mind and body. In medical use, it is a painkiller, used my patients of many chronic diseases. Glaucoma patients use it to relieve pressure in the eye; Cancer patients use it to relieve them of the nausea caused by the chemotherapy. AIDS patients use it to help one of the†¦show more content†¦This is a number that is down very significantly from previous years. While marijuana use stays fairly stable, most other drugs have peaks of popularity and dry spells of very low usage. One of the other common claims is that marijuana smokers develop lung cancer at a much higher rate than cigarette smokers. This once again is not true, as most cigarette smokers smoke a much higher number of cigarettes per day than a marijuana smoker does. If smoked in a water pipe, or bong, the amount of irritants is majorly reduced. Of course, by legalizing marijuana for medical uses, this obviously will be abused by people not in need of it for medical reasons. This is not speculation, as when the law was passed in California dealing with marijuana and medical use, people would write up their own prescription and get legal marijuana. The situation people think will happen if marijuana is legalized, is potheads will roam the streets smoking in public, exposing their children to it, causing mass riots, world destruction, etc, etc. Most agree with the fact that a large number of people would go right out and start smoking pot. This would burn itself out, as the price and excitement factor took effect. The price would be more than street prices, as the government would probably put taxes, fees, and licenses on them. The excitement factor is simply this, there is a certain draw to smoking marijuanaShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1524 Words   |  7 PagesGallos English III Honors 18th April 2016 Marijuana and Hemp Legalization in the United States What is one law that could be altered to greatly benefit the United States as well as the people who live inside it? The legalization of marijuana, the legalization of marijuana in a single state,Colorado, has provided great increases in tax revenue and decreased the number of arrests for minor drug charges gradually yet substantially in the past years. 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