Friday, October 4, 2019

Research Methods unit 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Methods unit 7 - Essay Example The Mason case study is better known as Sybil based on the novel written based on it. Because of this study, psychologists became aware of MPD; before the book’s publication in 1973, there were only 75 reported cases with MPD symptoms, but thereafter there have been 40,000 diagnoses of MPD mostly in North America (Carroll, 2009). Case studies such as these are usually received with much controversy and scepticism by the scientific community. In the case of Mason’s MPD, psychologists were polarized on the issue of its validity, as many advocating the effectiveness of Wilbur’s methods as those who criticize it for being subjective and partial, creating rather than merely observing or treating the alleged disorder. Detractors believe that signs of MPD only appear after therapy has begun. The advantages of the case study method include the rich source of information provided by this method. Insights are provided by close observation of the subjects’ behaviour, which could provide leads for later controlled, experimental research. Case studies also provide opportunities to try out new therapeutic techniques, or innovative applications of techniques already in practice. Another advantage is that the case study is the best technique to study rare events, and to provide evidence to either challenge or support psychological theories (Zechmeister, Zechmeister & Shaughnessy, 2001:216). Disadvantages of case studies are that they are ambiguous and tentative, and are not capable of providing conclusive cause-and-effect findings. Case studies are prone to possible bias in interpreting results, because of observers’ predisposal to certain ideas, and biases introduced in the collection of data. Finally, there is limited external validity for case studies, as there are problems in arriving at generalizations from the data obtained from a single case (Zechmeister, Zechmeister &

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