Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case Study, Kodak

CASE STUDY REPORT 1 Case Study On Kodak, What Went Wrong? Patricia A. Webster Oklahoma Wesleyan University CASE STUDY REPORT 2 Introduction This case study will analyze what areas of failure caused Eastman Kodak to continue to have continued underperformance and misalignment within the company’s operations. There were four serious counts of corporate failure on the park of Kodak’s strategic planning and decision making.The analysis will review these failures, recommendations for change will be discussed, and clear explanations as to why the wrong decisions lead to the failure for growth will be reviewed. A conclusion will discuss how Kodak has managed to survive despite the bad corporate decisions and how the company must reconsider the majority of the recent strategic choices they have made. Strategic Analysis George Eastman founded Eastman Kodak Company in 1880. Within four years Kodak had become a household name after he replaced glass photographic plates with a roll of film.His decision regarding the company’s philosophy was to focus on quality. He stated, â€Å"Nothing is more important than the value of your name and the quality it stands for†. By 1963, color prints surfaced by this company. By 1981 they launched new product lines including cameras, graphical arts, and medical imaging. Their top sales tripled to $10,000,000,000 at that time. Kodak’s performance today is in trouble, sales are drastically falling, the company’s profit margin had declined to a staggering 3% in 2005.The chairman of the shareholder’s stepped down that year conceding a disappointing performance all-around. Due to declining economic environment in this country the company continues to fall. Several corporate failures have contributed to the spiral downward. The connection between logic and creativity was not present. They failed to jump on board with the digital age and technology at the beginning of its era. Next was the lack of strategy between revolution and CASE STUDY REPORT 3 evolution and the strategy it called for.Kodak did not realize the importance of the strategic planning needed to move ahead and attack the changes the company needed. Kodak could have addressed the change by evolutionary means by slowly adapting business strategy incrementally since the beginning of the digital age in the 1980’s, but they did not and this lead to great demise of the company. Also important was the lack of marketing and resource strategic planning. The leaders should have addressed the multiple levels of relationships between resources and practices that exist within a business.Finally and one of the most important factors was the lack of focus on the competition. Very little strategic planning was performed in regards to the competition of other technologic corporations. Solutions, Recommendations, Conclusion Despite continually reports of poor financial forecast, Kodak has managed to keep afloat by handing on to the traditional razor-blade model of analogue technology. The company’s CEO, George Fisher recognized the validity of the digital world. So the company needs to grow on that new insight.Marketing will need to broaden their horizons, even crossing oceans and opening new ventures in the Eastern markets and beyond. Kodak should take advantage of the disparate demands of consumers around the world. Strategic review and planning should involve knowledge of their competitors. Knowledge is power, Kodak’s greater insight and understanding of other corporations such as their own will lead to more enhanced strategy and planning for its future. The key now is to build a global strategy that can continue to exploit both the older and new generations. CASE STUDY REPORT 4References Brickley, J. , Smith, C. & Zimmerman, J. (2009). Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture. (5th Ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Irwin. Hamel, G. (1990). The core competence of the corpor ation, Harvard Business Review. May- June, pp. 79-91. Kodak, 1985. Annual Report, Eastman Kodak Senge, P. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York, NY. Currency Publishing. Wit, B. & Meyer, R. (2004). Strategy Process, Content, Context. Chicago, IL. Thompson Learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Only Crime Is Pride

â€Å"The only crime is pride† is a true statement. Multitudes of people take much pride in numerous things some being: their job, family, political views, hometowns even in their favorite sports team. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the protagonist, Antigone, wants to give her brother Polynecies the same honorable burial given to her other brother Eteocles. Creon, The ruler of Thebes, makes it very obvious to all the citizens that they are not to attempt to bury his nephew or they will be stoned to death.Antigone deliberately defies her uncle Creon to get her wish and receives punishment as she should for breaking the laws. Subsequent to the sentry bringing Antigone in for her illegal actions, Creon’s niece does not deny anything saying that she had to do it. The ruler of Thebes was appalled that she would ever commit such a crime. This discovery prompts the Choragos to say, â€Å"Like father, like daughter: both headstrong, deaf to reason! She has never learned to yield. † Showing that pride clouds her judgment and directly goes against her uncle and his laws to give Polynecies the honorable burial he deserved.Antigone knew that this crime was punishable by death but her pride would not let her oversee leaving her dead brother unburied like many of the other soldiers and open for the birds and dogs to eat. Oedipus’ daughter was so involved in doing the right thing that she to take her own life in the process. She says, â€Å"If I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. † This further exemplifies that she cares more about the pride of her family rather than her own life.Had Antigone obeyed the laws put in place by her uncle, she would not have been forced to die. Instead she could have gone on living a noble life in the city of Thebes. Creon’s pride effects many of the decisions that he makes as a ruler. His dignity makes all the decisions very biased, including in scene 3 when he is arguing with his son Haimon. His son tells him that, â€Å"In flood time you can see how some trees bend and because they bend, even their twigs are safe, while stubborn trees are town up roots, and all. He, is telling Creon if he insists with being so stubborn with sticking to what his pride tells him to do; he will corrupt himself and many other who are in his life. Although Creon’s son is much younger he is wiser than his father even if Creon would never admit it. The king of Thebes was told many times that since Antigone is his family that he should not punish his niece, another reason people tell him he should release her is that she is a female. Despite these reasons Creon says that he would look weak to the citizens of Thebes if a girl was able to get away with such a felony.His level of self-esteem would also diminish if he had let Antigone get away with this illegal act. Haimon is not the only one who tells Creon he needs to change his way. The blind prop het Teiresias tells Creon, â€Å"Think: all men make mistakes, But a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, And repairs the evil: The only Crime is pride. † Creon's pride made Antigone's punishment for doing what she believed was right much more severe than necessary. He had to follow through with his decree so he would not look weak in front of the people he governed.Tragically, because of his pride, both Antigone and his own son, Haimon, died needlessly. Is one's pride more important than human life? In society today pride corrupts people in every country and over every: gender, race, religion. Most crimes are committed because people take too much pride for things; and because of this take fierce actions. In Libya angered civilians took matters into their own hands after a movie was made mocking their god Mohammed. They were very proud of their religion and to see it mocked in a movie upset them.Aggressors attacked and killed 4 Libyan ambassadors for the United States. Another example is the 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup riot. It was a public disturbance that broke out in downtown Vancouver, British Colombia Canada on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The riots happened immediately after the conclusion of the Boston Bruins’ win over the Vancouver Canucks in game seven of the Stanley Cup. The Vancouver fans were outraged since they had a lot of pride in their team. They were so upset that they stormed the streets flipping over cars, setting stores on fire, and vandalizing property.The prideful fans minds were clouded and made rash decisions; not thinking about what they were doing and acting out of instinct. Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird also exemplifies people making decisions with clouded minds. Once word gets out that Atticus will be representing Tom Robinson in court people begin to bully Jem and Scout. Since Jem is older he understands that he must not let his pride get in the way and keeps composure until finally he snaps, terr orizing Mrs.Duboses’ garden ripping out all the flowers. Scout’s self-worth also clouds her mind, beating up many classmates that even thought to bring up that her dad was a bad man. â€Å"The only crime is pride. † Accurately displays that pride makes humans act with clouded judgment making them do things they would not normally do; the same way Antigone and Creon acted throughout Sophocles play, Antigone, and the same way it effects millions of people in today’s world.

Scientific Paper on a Water Flea

The Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on the Heartbeat Rate in Daphnia Magnus ? Erika Huizenga Ashley Kofahl The Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on the Heartbeat Rate in Daphnia Magnus Abstract The projects purpose was to determine the effects of alcohol and caffeine on the heartbeat rate in Daphnia Magnus. Our hypothesis is alcohol causes a decrease in heart rate, whereas caffeine causes an accelerated heart rate, predicting that the more caffeine we give the daphnia the faster it heartbeat rate will become and the heartbeat rate will decrease as we give the Daphnia alcohol. After doing the experiment we found that the more caffeine we added to the Daphnia Magna the faster its heartbeat rate became. We also found that when we added alcohol to the Daphnia the heartbeat rate also increased not supporting our hypothesis. Methods and Materials Location: Washtenaw Community College, 4800 East Huron Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 LA building 205 at 12:30p. m. January 30, 2010 Materials: microscope, two glass micro slides, two pipettes, three Daphnia Magna, 2%, 4%, and 6% alcohol, 1%, 1 ? , and 2% caffeine, aquarium water, a stopwatch, a person to record the data, administer the drugs and water to the Daphnia, and a person to count the heat beats. Procedure for the control: In order to make sure that alcohol and caffeine are the variables effecting the heartbeat rate we started by capturing a live Daphnia and placed it in a depression slide with a drop of pond water from the culture jar. We removed any extra water with the tip of a paper towel. Next we added one dr op of aquarium water to the Daphnia. Then we began to count the number of heartbeats for 10 seconds and then multiplied by 6 to find the beats per minute and recorded the result. After two minutes we repeated the process, and the again after another two minutes to get three reading of heartbeat rate on the control. Procedure for alcohol and caffeine: To determine the effects of alcohol and caffeine on the daphnia we started by capturing a new Daphnia and placing it on a depression slide and removing any extra water. We Placed 1 drop of a 1% caffeine solution on the Daphnia. After waiting for a few seconds we began to count the heart beats and recorded the results on our data sheet. Next we removed the excess solution from the Daphnia and flushed it with aquarium water. Using the same procedure we monitored the effects of 1 1/2% and 2. 0% caffeine solutions and recorded our results and placed the Daphnia in the recovery tank. After completing the caffeine series, we obtained a the second set of drugs. This time instead of using caffeine we used varied concentrations of alcohol 2%, 4% and 6% using the same method as the caffeine procedure. Again recording our results and placing the Daphnia in the recovery tank when finished. Results The original purpose of this experiment was to determine how alcohol and caffeine effected the heartbeat rate of a Daphnia. The results of the experiment were that the higher percentage caffeine and alcohol placed onto the Daphnia the higher the heart rate. Average Daphnia Magnus Heartbeats per Minute ? Conclusion After completing the experiment we found that when we gave the Daphnia caffeine the heartbeat rate did show an increase. However, we also found that alcohol also increased the number of times the heart beat. Even though we performed all of the experiments very carefully, we cannot be certain that the effect we saw was due to the drugs. Perhaps the change in heartbeat rate is caused by the heat of the microscope light or a change in temperature. When we came into the lab to do the experiment the solutions were already sitting on the tables. The lab is used by several other students, therefore we can not be sure that the percentages of solutions were accurate or that they had not been tampered with. While trying to remove excess water the Daphnia got stuck to the paper towel which could have caused stress making the heartbeat rate increase during the alcohol test. The removal or addition of the various test solutions may have had an impact on our test subject. When comparing our results to other groups we found that they had different results with alcohol. Because of this we feel that the experiment should be repeated several times and not done only one time to gain accurate results.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Conservation of mass during a chemical change Lab Report

Conservation of mass during a chemical change - Lab Report Example This is a precipitation reaction and we expect to find a white solid formed as the reaction progresses. The two compounds are products in the Solvay process that is used in the large scale manufacture of sodium carbonate. In our second set up, sodium carbonate is reacted with hydrochloric acid. From our elementary chemistry the products we expect are sodium chloride and carbon IV oxide. Carbon IV oxide will be seen as bubbles emanating from the progressing reaction. Therefore as the carbon IV oxide is lost and this will affect the results as the mass of the products will be less than that of the reactants. In the first set up 5ml of 1M sodium carbonate was put in a clean test tube and in a different test tube 5ml of 1M calcium chloride was put. The masses of both test tubes with contents were recorded. Then the contents of the two test tubes were mixed. All observations were recorded. After the reaction was completed the contents were weighed again and the mass recorded. In the second set up, 5ml of 1M sodium carbonate was put in a test tube and 5ml of hydrochloric acid put in another. The test tubes were placed in a beaker and the mass of the arrangement taken. The two were then mixed and all observations recorded as the reaction was progressing. The mass of the set up was taken again after the reaction was over and recorded. The change in mass was 0.137 grams which is negligible. We did not expect the mass to change as using the law of mass conservation as projected by Antoine Lavoisier in 1789, the mass of the reactants should be equal to the mass of the products. There is no compound lost during the reaction and the little change in mass could be due to errors in measurement or the production of heat during the reaction. The change in mass recorded was 2.597 grams which is significant. Change in mass was expected as there was bubbling taking place as the reaction progressed which

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sport marketing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Sport marketing assignment - Essay Example The class gest says that she loves television so much and she would not be anywhere else working if it is not in television. The class gest has worked for fox television running a pay per view program for a very long time. During all these time she has been working, she has gathered all the tricks and experience that is needed to maneuver the industry. In our class discussion, the class guest was talking about the future of television. The class guest gave an example with her kids on how the future of television is going to be. She said that her kids ask her to play a particular song that has been playing on the radio. She tries to explain to her kids that the song cannot be played back because it is on the radio. The children do not understand why so, and they ask her why it is impossible while they can play back music in there devices (class guest). She bases the future of television on this fact. She reasons that if people can play back music and programs in their devices, then playing back live programs is not so far behind. We are in the technology age that allows for play back of certain live programs as the program continues. Sports are the only programs that are remaining relevant in television. Contact sports enjoy a lot viewing in sports television. This means that the future of television is in broadcasting of live spor ts and mostly in contact sports Introduction of smart TVs and decoders that allow you to play back programs have pushed the broadcasting of live sports to new heights. Imagine playing back a particular seen in a march because you missed it when you went to get a drink and you play back the seen while the live event is going on. This ensures that you will not miss any part of your favorite sport because of unavoidable circumstances. Most companies that supply cable TV will rely on the fact that without cable TV you cannot watch live sports and will exploit this fact for anyone who will try to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Food and beverage studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Food and beverage studies - Essay Example This part of the essay will discuss a complete meal experience, customer service, importance of embracing and relevant legislation for ASK restaurant based in Southend-on-Sea. Meal ExperienceThe restaurant is quite clean. Moreover, the staffs of the restaurants are friendly enough. The restaurant was visited by me on a weekend in last month. The restaurant does not have a lot of staffs comparing to another high street restaurant. The major objective of this investigation was to evaluate the meal experience including quality of foods and customer services. The restaurant is specialist in providing simple and traditional Italian foods. I tried all the three courses to measure the experience. The environment of the restaurant was calm and quiet on that particular day due to large space and limited number of staffs. First of all, all the staffs and executives welcomed me. They were very much warm and inviting. All the chefs and staffs were trying to provide effective service and follow u p the customers to meet the satisfaction level of the customers. After entering the restaurant, a staff guided me to take my seat. After one minute, a staff came to me and provided a glass of clean and mild drinking water. Slowly and gradually, he asked about the meal order. This gratitude pleased me as effective customer service can develop a potential customer base for a restaurant. However, I went for starter section. They have kept three separate menu cards for three courses. Various differentiated food items surprised me. I heard from my friend that, the preparation and taste of Bruschetta is quite awesome. It is traditional toasted Italian bread item with fresh basil, maintained tomato and Ricottas salata. The staff came back with my given order after five to seven minutes. The taste of the item justified my preference and expectation. After 2 minutes, the in-store manager came to me and asked about my opinion about Bruschetta. This service pleased me. After completion of my s tarter, the same staff asked about main course order. It is known to all that, Pasta is traditional Italian food. Moreover, the restaurant is specialist in providing different Pasta items. I gave an order of a Spaghetti Al Commodore. The ingredients of this item are fresh as garlic basil star enriched with tomato sauce, Santos tomatoes, covered with buffalo mozzarella and a slight drizzle of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Key drivers affecting health care organizations and the U.S. health Essay

Key drivers affecting health care organizations and the U.S. health care delivery system - Essay Example This paper will briefly discuss these issues, and find out how these reforms may positively affect key players in the healthcare system. One of the main drivers affecting healthcare organizations is cost. The cost of care in most healthcare organizations in the United States is considered to be the key driver affecting the manner in which most organizations operate. At the moment, countless people are not able to acquire quality medical attention due to its high cost (Garber & AHA, 2006). It is true that the cost of healthcare provision is going higher and not many people are capable of acquiring the effective and quality healthcare they desire. The second driver is the increase in need for healthcare employees. There is no question about the recent spell of reducing healthcare workers in the United States, which presents a tremendous challenge to the healthcare sector. Current and future implications of these drivers lie in the fact that patients may not get what they truly desire from the healthcare organizations or healthcare delivery systems. It is next to impossible to fully provide for a changing environment when negative progress riddles a system that is meant to cater to a large population. Furthermore, a reduction in healthcare workers means that a shortage looms in the horizon, which implies that countless other patients may receive the short end of the stick when it comes to efficient healthcare provision (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2011). One change that countless people would want enacted is the recruitment of more healthcare workers in the region. Also, a reduction in the cost of healthcare services may be a reform that most people would want to see enacted. These changes are crucial to the patient because, in the long run, they would be able to pay for the services they urgently need. Furthermore, they will not necessarily have

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Different Aspects of Statistics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Different Aspects of Statistics - Research Paper Example man about his likes and dislikes. For these different methods of statistics like sampling, probability, index numbers and others are used. Different aspects of statistics There are various aspects of statistics that are used in the business and cover different areas. All those aspects differ in their use and application. From policy making to administration and from raw material to the final production and sales, from demand forecasting to the supply of the product, statistical methods are required in every kind of business. However, the fact cannot be denied that there are certain limitations of statistics as well where it cannot work however in most of the cases the use of statistics has been made possible by the renowned statisticians and policy makers. Statistics is not only used by the private entrepreneurs but also by the government entities in formulating the policies. Those include both the short term and long term policies. (Keller, 2008) Demand forecasting Demand forecastin g is an analysis about the demand of a specific product in a given locality. Many factors likewise per capital income and economic condition of the country and similar others are considered before forecasting the demand. This is mainly done by the sales and marketing departments of the entity. This enables the production department to work more effectively. The due care must be taken before doing such a forecast because if it is underestimated it means the company has lost its sales and if it is over estimated this can result in waste of resources. Therefore it is recommended that demand forecasting must be done by specialists after reviewing all the necessary information available with them. Though the forecasting is very difficult and seems impossible however if information available with the forecasters is accurate and also they possess the required skills they may forecast the demand up to almost accurate level. This makes the company competitive in the market and helps in bette r provision of services and meets the real demand of the market. Some unusual factors like seasonal changes, promotional schemes and discount for valued customers may also cause an error in accurate forecasting of demand as these would attract more customers. All such factors should also be considered before collecting any kind of data. Concept of demand forecasting can better be understood by the following example. (Keller, 2008) Example: The demand for a product in each of the last five months is shown below. Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demand 10 13 18 27 29 26 20 We can see that demand for a specific product is increasing slowly for the first three months but there is a sudden increase in the demand in the 4th month. This may be because many factors like seasonal change, a promotional scheme or some other however demand starts decreasing from the 6th month. At the time of forecasting demand professionals consider all the factors that what would be the demand of the product in a particula r time. Decision makers then use different kinds of statistical methods which are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Eden project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Eden project - Assignment Example The prime objective of Eden project is to enhance the awareness of greenery within the economy of UK thereby reducing the impacts of pollution and harmful gases. However, the initiative of Eden project became successful mainly due to the sheer intelligence and confident nature of Tim Smit. This acted as a boon for the project thereby amplifying its popularity and prosperity in the entire globe. Apart from this, the bureaucratic structure of the project of Eden is also another effective cause for its success. It helped in proper allocation and standardization of the tasks such as (allocation of funds, commercial loans sanctions etc) so as to amplify the intensity of success thereby reducing the defects or negative impacts. This helped in improvement of the level of inspiration and devotion of the supporting team members such as Danny Almagor, Deon Kamien, Malki Rose, Tracie Olcha, Amanda Miller and Romy Grace. Along with this, such type of organizational structure also helps in enhanc ing the interpersonal relationship among the members thereby reducing the range of arguments and conflicts. This is mainly due to the presence of extremely clear and defined roles and responsibilities to the members of the Eden project (Vidal, 2004). Along with this, in a bureaucratic structure, the members of the organization or project include very less authority to present any sort of suggestions or ideas regarding its betterment. As the entire control and power is within the hands of the hierarchy i.e. the board members as well as Tim Smit. This is mainly because in such type of organizational structure, the manager or organizer (Tim Smit) is the most powerful person as compared to others. And he is responsible to delegate all sorts of activities and policies within the team members or architects. And so the engineers or architects are bound to follow his ideas and thoughts for the betterment of Eden project. In Eden project, all the members had to obey the orders and responsibi lities delegated by Tim Smit, as he is the supreme authority to assign the varied types of responsibilities among the members of the team as compared to other Pre-bureaucratic or post bureaucratic organization structures. Moreover, in this type of organizational structure, the head or founder (Tim Smit) presents varied types of ideas and suggestions such as (utilization of commercial loans for the betterment of the operations) so as to enhance its level of supremacy and reputation in the market among others. Along with this, high level of contribution and commitment of Tim Smit towards implementation of the idea of Eden project to enhance the level of awareness towards green and sustainable planet proved extremely effective for the economy of UK. Hence, it might be clearly depicted from the above mentioned paragraph that the success of Eden project is mainly dependent over its hierarchical structure and uniform culture. Other than structure, the culture of the organization of Eden p roject is extremely uniform and homogeneous. It is mainly due to the hierarchical structure in which, a single individual is the delegating authority, i.e. Tim Smit. Each and every decision and suggestion is presented before him by all other members, so as to get his accent. Moreover, by doing so, all the members associated with the Eden project might become aware about the information and may also present their

Individual Portion of Group Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual Portion of Group Project - Assignment Example Year 2011 Profit Margin = (864 / 13,198) * 100 = 6.55% Question 29 a. Days in Inventory = (Average Inventory / COGS) * 365 b. Year 2012 Average Inventory = (1,365 + 1,174) / 2 = 1,269.5 Days in Inventory = (1,269.5 / 8,763) * 365 = 52.88 days c. Year 2011 Average Inventory = (1,174 + 1,056) / 2 = 1,115 Days in Inventory = (1,115 / 8,046) * 365 = 50.58 days Profit Margin Profit margin is one of the most important financial metrics that helps to evaluate the profit making ability of the company. It measures the capacity of the company to control its direct and indirect costs. The ratio is normally classified as a profitability ratio and calculated as: Profit Margin = (Net Income / Net Sales) * 100% Kellogg’s net profit margin improved in 2012 by 20 basis points. The company contributed 6.77c in 2012 as compared to 2.55c in 2011 to the net income for every unit dollar sales made. The improvement in the margin was due to the company ability to control its indirect expenses in 2012 . The company was able to reduce its selling and administrative expenses by 100 basis points despite an increase in the sales figure. However, the increase in the net profit margin could have been higher if the company had been able to control the growth in the direct costs. The cost of goods sold as a percentage of net sales increased by 70 basis points; which ultimately reduced the gross margin of the company. Another entity that reduced the profitability of Kellogg was the high interest expense. The company is highly leveraged and pays a massive amount as interest each other. In 2012, the company paid $261 million as interest expense as compared to $231 million in 2011. (SEC 2013) The increase in the profitability will have a positive impact on the Kellogg operations. It will allow the company to retain more of the earnings and invest in the company operations. This will allow the company to expand into the new markets each year and increase the profits of the company in the foll owing year. Similarly, the increase profitability impacts the investors psyche – they are more prone to invest in the company with better margins and payout ratios. The management at Kellogg needs to effectively control its growing direct costs. The resulting decrease in the cost of goods sold will increase the profit margin. Likewise, it needs an effective and efficient inventory management system that will allow the company to reduce its inventory costs as well. Similarly, the company needs to efficiently reduce its selling and administrative expense which will again directly affect the profits. Kraft is one of the biggest competitors to Kellogg in the food products industry. Kraft contributed 9.0c in 2012 as compared to 9.5c in 2011 to the net income for every unit dollar sales made. Although, Kraft’s net profit margin declined in 2012 by 50 basis points; it still has a better net profit margin compared to the Kellogg. (MSN Money, 2013) The main reason behind the hi gh margin is the company’s ability to control its direct costs as well as indirect costs. With higher margins and profits, the company reinvests a massive amount to expand and test the new markets. Similarly, these margins allow the company to maintain an effective advertising plan to stay at the top of the consumer’s mind. (MSN Money, 2013) Works Cited Bloomberg Businessweek. "KELLOGG CO (K:New York): Stock Quote & Company Profile."

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Vindication of the rights of Woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

A Vindication of the rights of Woman - Essay Example omen’s social status elevated to the point, where women could partake in all aspects of life, while maintaining family life which she did not belittle. The main argument in the Vindication is that current educational and ethical principles on which society is based are utterly erroneous, and instead of enhancing overall development and growth these principles endanger society’s morality. In her concept of moral behavior, Mary Wollstonecraft embedded the â€Å"revolution† in manners and education to ensure that women develop their rationality and intellectual powers, rendering them worthy citizens, entitled to the â€Å"inherent rights of mankind† (Wollstonecraft, 175). Through the analogous use of the â€Å"Rights of Man,† rhetorically epitomized during the French Revolution, Wollstonecraft demanded that women be freed from â€Å"all restraint,† properly educated, and made participants in the â€Å"virtuous equality† of a just civilization (Wollstonecraft, 141, 175). The moral system of Wollstonecraft is largely based on the principle of judicial and intellectual equality of men and women, as she points out: â€Å"To render also the social compact truly equitable, and in order to spread those enlightening principles, which alone can ameliorate the fate of man, women must be allowed to found their virtue on knowledge, which is scar cely possible unless they be educated by the same pursuits as men† (Wollstonecraft, 173). This statement on equal intellectual opportunities should be understood through the perspective that any woman writing on the improvement of women in the later 18th century inevitably interested a conversation dominated by men, a so called â€Å"male-dominated philosophic discourse† (Finke, 20), that obliged her to contend with the discrete and nuanced discourses established by philosophers, political theorists, didactic writers, among others on the subject of women’s role in society. That is the main reason why Mary Wollstonecraft emphasized

Monday, July 22, 2019

Homelessness & state Essay Example for Free

Homelessness state Essay Homelessness is a state that people do not have to experience. It is the right of every human to live in a decent place and to have all the necessities in life. Homelessness is not merely being without a place to stay in. Homelessness reflects the lack of life’s basic essentials and the lack of decent means to secure it. Homeless people live under bridges, in parks, and in any other place that they can find temporary shelter. Shelter, that seems to be the word that most people associate with the state of homelessness. Sadly though, people tend to forget the homeless need more essential things that merely shelter. These people, just like everyone else, need and deserve food, water, and clothing. These are the essentials of life that both law and ethics consider as the right of every human being. It is the basic right of all humans. Every human being deserves the dignity of life. This does not mean affluent ways of living. It only means that the basic needs of daily life are provided or available. I do not speak of the luxuries for it is a fact of life that not everyone can have these. I only speak of the things that we need to survive. These are not hard to get, nor are they hard to give. However, it seems that the right to life’s basic essentials has become a forgotten right especially for those who are in the position to help the needy in acquiring these necessities fail to act. I speak of both the civil governments and private entities who possess the capability to help the homeless. The homeless live primarily from the excesses of other people. The scourge through dumpsters and garbage cans to find the things they need to survive. It puzzles me why these people need to wait for others to throw away their excesses before they can actually get a hold of them. If people can afford to throw away these things, why can’t we all just set these aside for the homeless? Why do we have to wait for food to rot or for clothes to become out-of-fashion for our taste to throw them away? Our excesses are valuable to other people. We do not have to throw them away. We can simply give it to those in need. It is not very difficult. In fact, it is very simple. Homelessness is a problem not just of the people who experience it but of society in general. It is just much of the homeless people’s right to have their basic needs as it is the duty of the government to provide these people with the means to acquire what they need. Employment opportunities must be given. Training programs to acquire the necessary skills to join the labor market must likewise be provided. Although these might not completely eradicate homelessness, these measures can help the homeless move up in life and to live a more decent and dignified life. Homeless shelters are not the answer to the problem for these place only serve as temporary spaces for the homeless. Once they step out of the shelter, they are right back in the state of homelessness. What the government needs to do is to give the homeless the means they need to provide themselves with their own needs. Lars Eighner is an exception for prior to becoming homeless, he actually had skills and talents to move up in the world. Other homeless people are not so fortunate. Thus, it is the duty of the government and of private corporations as well to give the homeless the chance to overcome the state of homelessness for no one deserves to become homeless.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing Communications Plan For Diageo Marketing Essay

Marketing Communications Plan For Diageo Marketing Essay For the company to achieve these objectives, there needs to a situation analysis which will give an overview on the companys currents position. This will be done through analysing the PEST factors that will affect the proposed marketing communications strategy, evaluating White Horse Whiskys performance in the market currently and also identifying the competitors actions. The report will further give an overview of the companys objectives by highlighting the desired position for White Horse whisky through giving a detailed business mission and communication objectives. The communications plan will also give an overview of the how the company will get to its set objectives through the use of the segmentation, targeting and positioning of White Horse Whisky. At the end of the report, the implementation of the plan through the communication tools and messages, the way through which it will be implemented and tracking the progress of the strategy will be discussed to ensure a suitable plan was put into practice. 2.0 SITUATION ANALYSIS (Where are we now?) 2.1 Current Company Performance Diageo is the brand owner of two whisky labels (Bells and White Horse) in the whisky market. White Horse Whisky has a market share of 2.3% in the market as of 2005. The brand has had a downward trend over the past years and wishes to relaunch it in July 2010 to a younger population. The company has a weak distribution chain as Whit Horse Whisky is only available at off-licences and major supermarkets. 2.2 Distinctive Competitive (Marketing) Advantages White Horse Whisky is an established brand which was created in 1890. It has been know as a quality whisky brand especially with the current owners who manufacture global drink labels. 2.3 Marketing Mix (4Ps) Product The product is a blended Scotch whisky which is currently at the decline stage. Price The current price of White Horse whisky is  £14.99 per litre for the squat bottle. Place The brand is available only at super markets and off licences shops. Promotion Diageo has ceased advertising support for White Horse whisky. This has made the brand have little competitive advantage in the market because consumers especially the new drinkers will not be aware of the brand and the old drinkers who need constant reminders and reinforcement might think the brand has died if they are not constantly given information. This could also have been the cause of the gradual decline in the market share of White horse whisky with consumers choosing competitor brands over it. 2.4 Current Customer Segments The brand has 2million consumers over the age of 50years. This accounts for over 50% of the brand consumption. This age group is the ageing population and if the trend continues with them, the brand will eventually die off. 2.5 Uncontrollable Event(s) That Can Impact on the Marketing of White Horse Whisky (Macro Environment) PEEST Analysis Political/legal Whisky brands may be advertised on TV now. Economic The Scotch whisky market has been in decline for over 15years. Ecological/physical environment Increased environmental awareness and the need to treat and respect the world. Socio-cultural Drinking patters have moved away from traditional dark spirits in favour of white spirits, wines and lagers. The number of people in their twenties and thirties drinking whisky has declined over the years. Whisky has always been acknowledged as an acquired taste that was unlikely to appeal to novice drinkers. Whisky is regarded as a spirit that is difficult to mix. Current image of whisky is seen as outdated and largely irrelevant. Binge drinking amongst young people which is seen currently as a serious social problem in UK. Technological Growing rate of internet use among the population in UK. 2.6 Micro Environment MARKET In 2005, the overall whisky market had 3.9m consumers. Size Growth rate White Horse whisky had a decline of 0.6% from 2004 -2005. Market trends The advent of drinkers moving from traditional dark spirits to chilled, long, lighter drinks. Table 1: The market in the microenvironment 2.7 SWOT Analysis for White Horse Whisky Strengths Strong brand name and rich heritage. Diageo has a budget of  £3 strictly for marketing of the brand which will promote awareness and change the way it is perceived by the target audience. Weaknesses Lack of advertising of the brand over the years. Small distribution networks. Opportunities Young people who are being targeted enjoy going out and having fun during their spare time. Recent relaxation of the voluntary code for whisky advertisements on TV. Threats Current whisky image is seen as outdated and largely irrelevant which gives it an old-fashioned image. The Scotch whisky market has been in decline for over 15years Drinking patterns have moved away from traditional spirits like whisky to wine and lagers. Whisky has been known to have an acquired taste that was unlikely to appeal to novice drinkers. Binge drinking by young people. Table 2 : SWOT Analysis for White Horse Whisky 3.0 SET OBJECTIVES (Where Do We Want To Go?) 3.1 Marketing Objectives To increase the brands market share from 2.3% to 6% to consumers under 50years within 3years. 3.2 Marketing Communication Objectives To reposition White Horse whisky from being an old fashioned drink for old age groups to a contemporary and authentic drink for 20-28year old male and females within 3years. 4.0 STRATEGY(How Do We Get There?) 4.1 Segmentation The youth and young people who are upwardly mobile in the UK. 4.2 Targeting The target market will be women and men aged 20-28years who are still experimenting with spirits with no brand loyalty yet. 4.3 Positioning White Horse whisky will be positioned to the target market as a contemporary, fun and quality drink. This position resonates with the values of our target market and our brand values. 4.4 ATR Model for Buying Decision The purchase of whisky is a low involvement decision. This is because it has a low expenditure and cant be viewed as a personal risk. ATR model which is Awareness, Trial, and Repurchase is suitable for this product. The consumer becomes aware of the brand- White Horse whisky through the proposed marketing communication strategy and will make a trial purchase to assess the drink. If taking of the whisky produces favourable results, the consumer will become interested in White Horse whisky and will therefore repeat the buying of the whisky at a later time. This will gradually increase the brand share of the product. The plan will give a devise on how to create the initial awareness of the brand to the selected target market. This can be used to determine the product adoption process. 4.5 Pull Strategy The pull strategy will be adopted to achieve the communication objectives. This strategy involves focusing our communication directly at our target market; this in turn would stimulate a desire, demand and eventual purchase of White Horse Whisky. 5.0 TACTICAL PLAN (How Do We Implement the Strategy?) 5.1 Communication Tools to be used and how they will be used Communication tools Medium Reason for choice Media Vehicles Advertising Type of media selected channels White Horse Target Group Use age Television The target audience have a heavy exposure to TV Specific programmes on ITV: It is an effective tool to reach our target audience on a large scale 1. Prison break This can create a strong brand image for White Horse whisky 2. Gossip Girl TV has a high visual and strong impact that can easily attract the audience because it influences multiple senses. 3. Vampire Dairies The target audience relax by watching these entertainment programmes 4. 24 5. Sports shows Magazine There is high selective readership for magazines. It is easy to communicate with our chosen target audience knowing their choice. Cosmo Girl British Vogue Mens Vogue The magazine can also be passed on to friends and this can be read not necessarily by only the purchaser It will show good quality and pictures and have high information content Billboards and posters This will give a strong impact with a simple message. This helps to connect with the audience less is more attitude.   To be placed strategically near: City centres, malls   Billboards and posters The billboards have a high frequency exposure and will be easily grab attention.   The posters will in addition be placed in bars and clubs The placed location will reach the target market. This will make the target audience aware of the brand as they will be exposed to the advert continuously and frequently.   Advertising Internet This medium is very attractive to them and they spend lots of hours a day on the internet. Low production cost which will reach a potential audience at any time of the day. Web banners on social networking sites (Face book and MySpace) Cinemas The target audience enjoy having night outs especially at the cinema Odeon and Cineworld cinemas across the country when showing:   Action and Science Fiction films in 3D, Romantic Comedy and Thrillers. Spotify This music streaming service has become popular among the target audience. This will be placed for listeners of: rock, RB, hip hop, pop and rap. It has be ability to reach the audience by postcode because there is a registration for the service Its a perfect medium to reach the target audience who love to listen to music. Sales Promotion Free trials Consumers appreciate offers and love to have value for their money. Selected clubs and pubs across the country.   Sales Promotion   Free trials It is quick and easy to implement and will have an immediate impact on the sale of the brand It will encourage retrial Free gifts This will encourage purchase Supermarket chains, off licences There will be a small white horse attached to each white horse whisky bottle There will be free t-shirts distributed to consumers at clubs and bars. Sponsorship Fashion show This will change the perception of it being an old generation drink These sponsorship of youth events will build awareness for the brand The target audience use this as a means of relaxing and will be great fun for them which can easily to reach them. The fashion show and valentine part will hold at selected regions Valentine party 5.2 Message(s) We Wish To Communicate White Horse is approachable, light- hearted and sociable. 5.3 Consistency across Different Tools and Messages The messages are consistent and they all carry the message that the brand is of quality and is a drink for the younger generation. 5.4 Necessary Resources/Budgets There is a  £3 budget for the marketing communication strategy for one year. The budget will be sufficient to implement the strategy in various vehicles for the duration chosen. 6.0 ACTION PLAN (Who, What, When?) Please refer to Appendix 1 and 2 for detailed communication spending. 6.1 Responsible party for implementation This communications plan will be executed by a top advertising firm in the UK. The marketing department will have the responsibility of communication with the advertising agency to ensure all communication is placed as at when due and also make appearances at the sponsorship events. The department will also be responsible for the appropriate quantity distribution of the soft toys (The White Horse) and t-shirts to the regions. The accounting department ensures vouchers raised for the advertising agency are paid on time. Diageos IT department will also make sure the website is always up and running to appeal to consumers who will be visiting the site. 6.2 Time frame of plan implementation The plan will be implemented between July 2010- June 2011. 6.3 Resource Allocation for the Action The communication plan has been done and will cost  £2,899,335. This amount is exclusive of the allocation of  £ 100,000 which will be paid to the agency for creatives production and services. 7.0 CONTROL ( Keeping Track Of Progress) The brand will be monitored through sales analysis. The marketing department will obtain the sales figures weekly that will be used to compare the actual sales of White Horse whisky to the target sale. Information will also be gathered from the distributors of the brand on customers perception of the drink. The sales report should be gotten by region and if any extraordinary low sale is received from any region, their communication should be restructured. Within the first year, the brand share should increase by 0.7% to 3% and the profile of young drinkers should increase to 37%. This will make the overall brand share increase of 6% and 60% of young drinkers by 2013 will be achieved. Depending on the first year figures, the marketing manager should be able to forecast and evaluate the communication strategy being used and make corrective actions where necessary. If there is an exceptionally low increase in the first year period which will essentially where a lot of money will be spent on communication, the communication plans should be revisited to avoid massive failures in 2013. Each person/ department in Diageo should be clear on their responsibilities to enable the company meet the expected target. 8.0 THE 3Ms These are the key resources 8.1 Men This is not mentioned in case study. 8.2 Money   There is a budget of  £3m for the repositioning of White Horse whisky for one year. 8.3 Minutes   The deadline to achieve the 3.7% brand share increase is 3years. The plan will be solely for the 1st year while recommendations for the next 2years will be provided. 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE NEXT 2YEARS From July 2011- July 2013, the following should be done to reinforce the brand in the mind of the consumers: The television adverts should be aired in alternative months. The use of posters at bars and clubs should be continued. The online adverts on Facebook, MySpace and Spotify should continue every month. Other sales promotions should be introduced to give room for another exciting support to the consumers from the brand. The brand should also explore opportunities in celebrity endorsements which the target audience fancy. Quarterly shows should be sponsored at selected clubs around the country. Possible production of shot glasses with the White Horse logo can be distributed to bars and clubs. Appendix 2 (Cost Analysis) TV adverts: Coverage within the UK REGION COST FOR 30 ADVERTS ON ITV LATE PEAK DRAMAS Central  £10,313 London  £16,730 Yorkshire  £3,827 Scotland  £3,169 Total Cost  £34,039 Number of shows to place adverts: 4 Frequency: 4 times weekly, for 20 weeks. Monthly cost:  £344,624 Cinema adverts:  £23,000 per month Magazines: Number of magazines: 4 Frequency: monthly Monthly cost:  £73,200 Outdoor adverts: Billboards and Posters:  £15,000 monthly Online adverts  £37,500 monthly Sponsorships A total of  £150,000 was budgeted to sponsor specified events across the four regions. Sales Promotion 1000 t-shirts and soft horses, free trials over the year:  £ 96,500. 10.0 Creatives to be sent to agency Appendix 3 (Advert for Television and Cinema) This will be a 30 seconds advert which will make our target audience associate White Horse whisky as a fun drink. Scene 1 Nice music playing in the background The advert starts at a bar scene with a couple of people ordering drinks at the bar. In a distance, people can be seen dancing. The camera zooms in on a young man and lady (Lady 1). They exchange pleasantries and the young man leaves shortly as he gets his drink Scene 2 The young man is seen with two others men chatting and looking around. He spots a young lady (Lady 2) in a corner sitting by herself and he walks up to her to ask for a dance. Lady 2 agrees and they move to the dance floor. Scene 3 The young man and Lady 2 are seen dancing and having a good time. Lady 1 walks up to them with two drinks in her hand. She hands a drink over to Lady 2 and turns to face the young man. She says to the young man: I see youve met my mother. The young man has a confused face and says: your mother? Scene 4 The three of are sitted at a table and are seen chatting, laughing and having White Horse whisky. The advert closes and a screen showing the White Horse whisky bottle and a glass with the contents. The tag line: White Horse.Surprising fun is shown below this screen This advert is to make the target audience know that even though the label is old, it still has the right mix and quality to appeal to them. . Appendix 4(Advert for Magazines, Billboards and posters) A picture of a group of four young adults (two men and two women) wearing casual and fashionable outfits. They are smiling at themselves and each person is seen holding a glass that contains White Horse whisky. The caption underneath the picture states: White HorseSurprising fun. Appendix 5(Design for t-shirt) The shirt is a black cotton Polo shirt. At the centre of the shirt in front, there is a White Horse. The back of the shirt carries the caption:Surprising fun.

Computer Fraud

Computer Fraud Task 1 (6.c)Importance and Effectiveness of Legal Regulation in Computer Fraud Introduction In todays world due to the advancement in the modern technology there has been always problem arising related with computers especially computer fraud misuse. People who are using computers are deceived in many ways like program fraud, system hacking, e-mail hoax, auction, retail sales, investment schemes, information hacking, virus/worm attacks and people claiming to be experts on subject areas. Anyone who uses the computer with an internet connection is a potential candidate for being a victim of computer fraud. The computer fraud rate is increasing every day as the internet usage among the people increases, most of the people are using the computers and internet for a good cause but there are some people who are intentionally using the computers to bring down some organizations or business firms or to get peoples personal information. But due to the implementation of current legal regulations in each and every fields; the crime people started to get tracked down and are punished under the Computer Misuse Act, which may ultimately reduce the number of computer fraud rate in the future. Background Over the past decades the amount of financial, military and intelligence information, business data and personal information is stored on and transmitted by computers has increased by tremendous growth. All the major sectors like government and military operations entirely depend upon computers / internet for their work process and data transmission. The information which is stored and transmitted via internet will be vulnerable to attack from any unknown source; almost every organization has been affected in some way due to the computer fraud. â€Å"The British National Computer Centre reported that more than 80% of British organizations suffered security threat in the last two years† [5], most of the investigation revealed that the computer fraud occurred involves unauthorised access to computers via the internet. The current growth in the technology suggest that within a decade it will be possible for every person in the world to access all the information network including the security defence data and government departments personal information but it is in the hand of the people to make sure that they do not misuse the available information. Other than the increase in the number of computer users, there will be also increase in the number of computers per person. Each person will own and connect to hundreds of computers for information processing through network environment. In the future all the people will use computers in home appliances, phones, televisions, offices and automobiles; all these computers share the information to optimize the use of resources and to provide convenience in daily life which might result in a threat for computer fraud. In this context we will discuss about the detailed term of * Computer fraud * Causes for computer fraud * Types of computer fraud/attacks * Basic ways to prevent computer fraud apart from legal regulation. * Importance / Effectiveness of the legal regulation in computer fraud. Computer Fraud Basically computer fraud is defined as taking control access illegally or stealing information without others knowledge, computer fraud can take place in any form; it includes fraud committed by an employee of a company using the computer to steal funds or information from the work company, whereas some people use deception to gain access to individual resources. Therefore the type and the method carried out to do the computer fraud vary from people to people depending upon the need to do it. Causes for computer fraud Most of the computer fraud is done for the main purpose of gaining money either by stealing the needed information from big organizations/firms or directly stealing funds from big organizations/firms. There are few people who are not concerned about the money or information but they wanted to bring down the fame of the organization/firm so they reveal all the secrets of the particular organization and few people like hackers does the computer fraud/crime just for a fun. Types of computer fraud Computer fraud can be classified into many types depending upon the fraud committed but the major categorisations of fraud are mentioned below. All the computer crime/fraud taking place now a day comes under these main categories. o Internet auction/Bid sales fraud o Retail sales o Investment schemes o Identity theft o Phising o Credit card fraud o Information hacking o Email hoax o Virus/Worm attack o Letter scam o Ad ware All these types of computer frauds are caused mainly due to the advancement in the technology and crime is still growing around the world. Basic ways to prevent computer fraud apart from legal regulation The most important thing to do to prevent computer fraud is to be alert to the scams that are circulated over the internet so that it helps to safeguard the system and the information stored within the system, there are some basic rules to be followed in order to prevent the system from computer fraud o Users should be aware of not to publish any of their personal details on the websites or forums. o The organization/firms should not broadcast much of their business details on the internet. o Organizations/firms should ensure that they follow security policies, and procedures. o People working at homes or organization should ensure that before sending any personal information on the net should check for valid signatures. Internet auction/bid sales fraud o Understand the way how the auction/bidding works on the internet, think what is the need for the seller to sell it. o Check out what will be actions taken by the online seller if something goes wrong during transaction and shipment. o Try to find more information about the seller; if the only information you have is the business email id, check the Better Business Bureau where the seller/business is located o Examine the sellers feedback on previous sales, if the seller has good history and good feedback on previous sales; then there is no need to worry about the purchase. o Determine what method of payment the seller is asking for during the transaction. o Be aware of the difference in laws governing auctions between the U.K. and other countries like U.S, China. If a problem occurs with the auction transaction that has the seller in one country and a buyer in another country, it might result in a dubious outcome leaving you empty handed. o Be sure to ask the seller about when delivery can be expected and warranty/exchange information for the product. o To avoid unexpected costs, find out whether shipping and delivery cost are included in the auction price or are additional. o Finally, avoid giving out your social security or drivers license number to the seller, as the sellers have no need for this information. Credit Card Fraud o Do not give out credit card number online unless the site is both secure and reputable. Sometimes a tiny icon of a padlock appears to symbolize a higher level of security to transmit data. The icon is not a guarantee of a secure site, but may provide you some assurance. o Before using the site, check out the security software it uses; make sure your information will be protected. o Make sure you are purchasing product from a reputable/legitimate source. Once again investigate the person or company before purchasing products. o Try to obtain a physical address rather than merely a post office box and a phone number, call the seller to see if the number is correct and working. o Send them e-mail to see if they have an active e-mail address and be cautious about the sellers who use free e-mail service where a credit card was not required to open the account. o Do not purchase from sellers who will not provide you with this type of information. o Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints against the seller before. o Check out other web sites regarding this person/company details. o Be cautious when responding to special offers. o Be cautious when dealing with individuals/companies from outside your own country. o If you are going to purchase an item via the Internet, use a credit card since you can often dispute the charges if something does go wrong. o Make sure the transaction is secure when you electronically send your credit card somewhere. o You should keep a list of all your credit cards and account information along with the card issuers contact information. If anything looks suspicious or you lose your credit card contact the card issuer immediately. Investment Fraud o Do not invest in anything based on appearances. Just because an individual or company has a flashy web site does not mean it is legitimate. Web sites can be created in just a few days. After a short period of taking money, a site can vanish without a trace. o Do not invest in anything you are not absolutely sure about. Thoroughly investigate the individual or company to ensure that they are legitimate. o Check out other web sites regarding this person/company. o Be cautious when responding to special investment offers; inquire about all the terms and conditions dealing with the investors and the investment. Importance of the legal regulation in computer fraud After all the basic discussion about the concepts and the causes of computer fraud, we are going to discuss about the legal regulation issues related with the computer fraud which tells how the legal regulations prevent or reduce the increasing computer fraud rate in todays developing world of technology, Most of the law reform is achieved by modifying and extending existing law to cope with new situations rather than by the introduction of completely new legislation.This can sometimes make it difficult to find a single place where the whole of an area of law is clearly set out. The Computer Misuse Act was enacted in 1990 and it remains the primary piece of UK legislation focusing on the misuse of computer systems. It covers computer frauds such as hacking and the deliberate spread of viruses and was created to prevent unauthorized access or modification of computer systems and to prevent criminal elements from using a computer to assist in the commission of a criminal offence or fro m impairing or hindering access to data stored in a computer. â€Å"In 2004, MPs specifically, the All-Party Internet Group (APIG) began a review of the CMA, on the basis that this legislation was created before the emergence of the Internet and therefore required updating† [5]. The Act was seen to focus too much on individual computers and not enough on computer networks. In addition some of the definitions used in the 1990 Act need updating. The final report outlined several recommendations to the government for changes to the CMA. In March 2005, APIG called for amendments to the CMA to address the threat from denial of service attacks. The Computer Misuse Act was passed in 1990 to deal with the problem of hacking/other threats of computer systems. In the early days hacking/other computer fraud related issues was not taken very seriously by the law and the impression was that it is mischievous rather than something which causes serious loss to organizations. However, with developments in technology the issue has become more serious and legislation was introduced to recognize three key offences: o Unauthorized access to computer material, Example: Finding or guessing someones password and then using that to get into a computer system and have a look at the information. o Unauthorized access with intent to commit further offences. The key to this offence is the addition of intent to commit further offences. It therefore includes guessing or stealing a password and using that to access material or services without the consent of the owner. o Unauthorized modification of computer material. This could include deleting files, changing the desktop set-up or introducing viruses with the deliberate intent to impair the operation of a computer. Effectiveness of legal regulation in computer fraud ( Conclusion) All the above mentioned computer fraud issues was not taken seriously until the legal regulation was made properly, and due to the implementation of legal law of Computer Misuse Act, the effectiveness caused a tremendous change by punishing all the illegal users of the computer system. Below example shows the consequence for an ‘Unauthorized Access to system. Incident Unauthorized Access to Communications Systems Provision Computer Misuse Act Section 1 Description Cause a computer to perform any function with the intention of securing access to any program or data held in a computer, if this access is unauthorized and if this is known at the time of causing the computer to perform the function. Sanction A fine and/or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months was sentenced for the illegal user. Total number of words in the Task1 report: 2500 Signed [ ] Task 2 (2)Do legal developments in law relating to Software copyright and Patents help or harm the cause of information system security Information system security acts as the protection of information system against unauthorized access or modification of existing information whether in storage, processing or transit stage. The information system ensures to safeguard all the stored information. Information security covers not just information but the entire infrastructures that facilitate access and use of information. The primary concern to organizations is the security of valuable information which can be anything from a formula to a customer list or organizations valuable information to financial statements. Three widely accepted elements of information system security are: o Confidentiality Ensuring information is only accessed by authorized users. o Integrity Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information. o Availability To ensure that authorized user have secure access to information when required. Law relating to Software Copyright and Patents In early 1970s there was a debate concerning about whether there is a need to make a copyright for the softwares or not, but later on it was decided that all the developed software needed to be copyrighted and if needed it can also be patented under the UK Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. The UK law for copyright and patent helped the organizations from misuse of their developed softwares/concepts. Some organizations try to steal the concepts/parts of code from developed software of other organization and try to utilize them in their developing software product. But due to the software copyright and patent law, all the leading software organizations like ‘Microsoft started to make copyright for their parts of developed code, so that no other organizations can use their part of code for developing other applications, this helped most of the organizations to develop a unique software product. Legal requirement for Information Security Keeping valuable information secure is not only a matter of good organization practice it is also a legal requirement. Since 1999 in UK and most parts of the world, there is a statutory obligation on all organizations to maintain minimum levels of security. Organizations that fail to meet the minimum security requirements may face enforcement action by the UK Government via the Information Commissioners Office. â€Å"Enforcement action can take any form and the Information Commissioners powers are not limited. Organizations that want to be relatively safe can choose to implement BS7799† [2], that is a voluntary standard which helps to ensure that sensitive information is handled by an organization in a professional and secure manner, it can done by making the organization to classify the sensitivity of information and to provide necessary control access to it. Legal developments in laws relating to software copyright and patents ‘help the information system security (Conclusion) As discussed earlier, the main work of information system security is to provide a secure environment for the information storage and processing, in the past decades when there was no legal laws for software copyright and patents, hackers used to break the information system and get the needed information/softwares; they are not really afraid of anything because there was not any law stating that taking/hacking the softwares/information was a crime which caused a big problem for the software developing organizations but now due to the development of legal laws; if a person tries to hack the information system security, he can be sentenced to prison due to the current state of law. So the development of the legal laws relating to software copyright and patents did help the information system security to make a secure environment. Total number of words in the Task2 report: 500 Signed [ ] Task 3 (4)Evaluate the proposition that Data protection laws are an unnecessary burden on legitimate public and commercial data collection The Data Protection Act was originally started on 1984 but later the existing act was replaced by the new Data Protection Act of 1998[DPA 1998], the â€Å"new act of 1998 implemented the EU Data protection Directive 95/46† [3]. The DPA relates to the protection of personal information that includes names, email addresses, financial details, personal documents and photographs. Personal information is everywhere and because it is generally impossible to separate personal information from other organizations information, most observers agree that the security standards required by the Data Protection Act are the minimum that must be applied to organization IT Systems as a whole. The security of information is so important to most organizations that, regardless of what the law require, organizations generally implement levels of security that are as high as budgets and technology. Data Protection Act of 1998—Personal Data Security The main legal requirements are set out in Principle 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 says that all organizations must take â€Å"Appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful use and against accidental loss, damage or destruction, of information.† [4] Today, all computerized processing of personal data, structured manual records, and even some unstructured manual records are subject to provisions of the DPA 1998, including the right of the individual to access the data which is held about them. Together with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA 2000), the DPA 1998 has forced a re-think of organizations good practice in personal data handling, new approaches to records management and made organizations consider more carefully their obligations to those whose data they hold. The FOIA 2000 extends the rights of the individual to access their data which had already existed under the DPA 1998. The definition of data is widened, as far as public authorities are concerned; to include all other recorded information held by a public authority. However, there are limits to the data subject rights that apply to this additional category of data. A request by an individual for information about him or herself is exempt under the FOIA 2000 and should be handled as a subject access request under the DPA 1998. In certain circumstances such a request may involve the release of associated information in which case the provisions of sections 7(4) and (5) of the DPA 1998 should be used to determine whether it is appropriate to release the third party information. Where an applicant specifically requests information about a third party or where responding to a request for information would involve the disclosure of personal information about a third party which is not also personal information about the applicant, the request falls within the remit of the FOIA 2000. However, the authority must apply the Data Protection Principles when considering the disclosure of information relating to individuals. An authority must not release third party information if to do so would mean breaching one of the Principles. Conclusion Even though the DPA secures the users personal information/data, there are some problems/burden exist for the legitimate users/public facing the Data Protection Act, according to DPA there is no exemption for back-up of data/information. In practice it will be unlikely that a data subject want access to data back-up and there is nothing to prevent a controller confirming that a data subject wishes to access only the most recent records. The back-up data which provides that automated data processed to replace other data which has been lost, destroyed or impaired are exempt from section 7 during the first transitional period ending on 23 October 2001; but this is not a general exemption for back-up data in the traditional sense. Total number of words in the Task3 report: 500 Signed [ ] Bibliography o Andrew Terrett., The Internet, Business Strategies for Law firms, (2000, Law Society, London) o Bobbie Johnson., ‘UK computer laws are ridiculous, April 30,,,1763989,00.html o ‘Computer Fraud and its Acts, April 30, o ‘Concepts of Patent work, May 1, o ‘Data protection effect on senior management, May 2, o ‘Data protection law, The key change, May 1, o David Icove. and Karl Seger, Computer Crime, (1995, OReilly Associates, USA) o David S. Wall., Cyberspace Crime, (2003, Darmouth Publishing Company , Hants, England) o Douglas Thomas. and Brian Loader, Cyber crime, (2000, Routledge publication , London) o ‘Facts on copyright, May 1, o ‘Fraud law reforms, April 30, o ‘Fraud Tips, April 30, o ‘Hacking and other computer crime, April 30, o Ian Lloyd., Information Technology Law, (1997, Reed Elsevier Ltd, Halsbury, London) o Joshua Rozenberg., Privacy and the Press, (2005, Oxford university press Inc , USA) o Michael Levi., Regulating Fraud, (1987, Tavistock Publication , London) o ‘New laws for computer fraud, April 30, o ‘Summary of Intellectual property rights, May 1, o Susan Singleton., Data protection The New Law, (1998, Jordans Publication , Bristol) o ‘UK Data protection laws are chaotic, May 2,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Political Change in Europe in the Modern Era Essay examples -- World E

European nations gained world dominance between the 15th and 19th centuries through imperialism and industrialization. European nations competed among themselves for international influence, and established by the early 20th century a very intricate balance of power, the disturbance of which ignited World War I in 1914. Over this same period, the power of monarchs within European nations declined as a larger portion of the populace demanded political rights, leading to the democratization of most political systems throughout Western Europe. These shifts in political systems were fed by urbanization, by the rise of class consciousness within the masses, and by the spread of ideas of political and economic philosophers who challenged the power of autocratic government. Russia from Tsarism to Bolshevik Dictatorship Russia lagged behind Western Europe in its economic and political development. In the mid-19th century, Russia remained a feudal society with very little industrialization or urbanization, whose tsar had absolute power. Serfs, peasants who were bound to landowners and had no political rights, comprised the vast majority of the population. Tsar Alexander II (1855-1881) initiated an Age of Reform that he hoped would modernize Russia while maintaining the absolute power of the tsar. In 1861 Alexander II emancipated the serfs, on the grounds that â€Å"it is better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until the serfs begin to liberate themselves from below.† This act put into place a complicated system by which the peasants acquired a â€Å"temporary obligation† to the landlord that could drag on for years, and had to pay to purchase land that they had considered their own and that was often much smaller than the am... ... of the tsar in the late 19th century until the establishment of the Bolshevik dictatorship in October 1917. The moderate pro-monarchist factions (â€Å"whites†) and the Bolsheviks (â€Å"reds,† renamed the Russian Communist Party in 1918) engaged in a Civil War until 1922, by which time the RCP had defeated the monarchists and reclaimed the border nations that had been part of the Tsar’s empire, with the exception of Poland, Finland, and the Balkan states. With these victories the RCP established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), which became a powerful contender in world affairs under Stalin’s rule (1924-1953). The ideological and practical disconnect between Russian Communism and Western Democracy and the alliances of World War II were the foundations of the Cold War rivalry between the world’s two superpowers in the 20th century, the USSR and the USA.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Different Life :: essays research papers

A Different Life Silence came in seventh grade. It was in seventh grade that I began the first of six years at a private school. In those six years I realized that it was not only I who had lost their voice; I was one among many who were denied the opportunity to speak. I distinctly remember the first time they betrayed me and informed me that my voice was invalid. A close friend of mine from elementary school wanted to attend and I was telling others about him- telling them how neat he was. The three people whom I had felt I could trust- the headmaster, academic dean, and dean of students- cornered me and attacked me for things that I had supposedly said. They did not believe me when I pleaded my case, saying, "He is my friend. Why would I say such horrible things?" They three looked at each other, stuck their noses in the air and simply explained that it sounded like the kind of thing I would do. They did not know me. They had accepted a rumor as truth. They attacked me and disregarded my testimony. Unfortunately, this moment was merely the beginning of the silencing. It continued until the day I graduated. They condemned me for being curious and outspoken and lively. They shut me down for every brilliant idea I proposed, telling me that it was against the rules. I lived, quite literally, in this silence. I could not win by being myself, so I engulfed myself in obtaining their approval through silence and obedience. And I remember exactly what he said to me when I left. On June 4, 1999 my headmaster said to me, "Saint James has really changed you. You've really calmed down a lot. You've become a real lady." I finally gained his approval, but at what cost? Even then, when I was leaving, I could not find the voice to scream at him and tell him how deeply he had hurt me. I did not have the voice to tell him about all the pain he had brought me. I did not have the voice to tell him that I would have forfeited all of the "ladiness" I had gained over six years if I could have my voice back. Saint James taught me to bottle my emotions, because whenever I was open with them I would get in trouble.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The differences between the migration of the internal Chinese migration compared to the international migration of the Poles to UK

In discussing the differences between the migration of the internal Chinese migration compared to the international migration of the Poles to UK, I will look at a variety of push and pull factors. I will then go on to look at the impacts to both the area from which these immigrants left as well as the area that they went to. Firstly I will discuss the push and pull factors relating to the immigration seen internally in China. The migration is voluntary and from rural villages (where there is very little employment and a poor standard of living) to the constantly expanding big cities such as Shanghai. It is important to point at that this is nearly always a temporary migration as the migrants generally have the intent to return within a few months. The migration is of working aged adults who leave their children in the rural villages being looked after by the grandparents. The main reason for this migration is certainly an economic reason. There is nearly always work in cities such as Shanghai in areas such as building and working in factories. The jobs pay very badly and working conditions can be poor. The reason for leaving there children to work in this environment is in the aim of getting a better quality of life for them and their children. It is easily arguable that this is the main economic reason that not they themselves benefit from the migration but their children. I will now go through the Polish migration to the UK. This was an international and voluntary migration. Like the Chinese migration the reasons are mainly economic. However in contrast people do have jobs in Poland however wages are very low and people want to raise their standard of living. More money can be made in better conditions and less time in British jobs. The difference is so great that people the Polish workforce in Britain are often overqualified for the jobs that they obtain and are still paid more than they would be in jobs they are qualified for back in the UK. Also similar to the migration seen in China the Poles want their children to lead a better life from the move. However their goals differ slightly in that the Poles aim for their children to lead a more materialistic life from the migration. EU freedom to migrate and get work acts as a pull factor. This is due to the simplicity of the move. It also means that people are more likely to get work and not be discriminated against. Towns with a history of locals excepting migrants (such as Peterborough) mean that people are more inclined to move as they do not have a great fear of prejudice. The most obvious affect that the migration in China has on the areas from which the migrants left from is that children left with grandparents which in turn means that the dependency rate is extremely high. Money is sent back to these villages from the parents however they visit back home to these villages relatively rarely. On returning to the villages the parents will often bring goods such as TVs and they often bring fireworks to celebrate their return. So to a certain extent their goal to improve the quality of lives for their children is achieved. In contrast the impact in Gdansk was that women had many more opportunities to work due to the lack of males in the population. The country now has much more migrant Labour from countries like Korea and Lithuania to help with the lack of a workforce in Poland. Poland are now sending officials to the UK in and attempt to bring people Polish people back to places in Poland such as Gdansk. In looking at the impacts on the countries receiving the migrants in China it is clear to see that overcrowding is a major problem in cities such as Shanghai. An underclass seems to be developing in the major urban areas of poor illegitimate workers with a lack of options and without a real chance of their situation changing any time soon. Discrimination is also apparent in the Cities due to the local workers not willing to be paid what the migrant workforces are. However the cities are expanding extremely quickly and this is simply due to the cost of the manual labour. With the Polish migration many more police are certain school workers have to be bilingual. The Poles do contribute to the economy in the UK as they pay tax and often open shops or businesses which can employ British people. Many industries are now reliant on the migrant workforce such as Stanford Stands simply due to the cost and often efficiency.

Quality Assurance Essay

character sanction is based on position agreed note standards at altogether stages in the achievement of a unassailable or service in dictate to ensure that clients satisfaction is achieved. It does not righteous focus on the finished crossing. This access code often involves self-checking by workers of their own produce against these agreed quality standards.The key differences surrounded by the two methods are that, quality say-so a.puts much more emphasis on prevention of poor quality by designing products for easy fault-free manufacture, rather than inspecting for poor-quality products acquire it right first judgment of conviction b.stresses the requisite for workers to get it right the first time and reduces the chances of wrong(p) products occurring or expensive reworking of wrong goods c.establishes quality standards and targets for each stage of the action process for both goods and service d.Checks components, materials and service bought into the busi ness at the point of comer or delivery not at the end of the production process by which stage much time and numerous resources may have been wasted.The quality-assurance department exit need to consider all areas of the fi rm. agree standards must be established at all stages of the process from initial product idea to it lastly reaching the consumer ware design will the product rival the expectations of consumers? Quality of inputs quality must not be let down by bought-in components. Suppliers will have to accept and grasp to strict quality standards. Production quality this nookie be assured by total quality management (TQM) and punctuate with workers that quality levels must not pour forth below pre-set standards.Delivery frames customers need goods and services delivered at propagation convenient to them. The promptness and reliability of delivery systems must be monitored. Customer service including after-sales service go on customer satisfaction will opin e on the quality of contact with consumers after purchase. For example Nissan car factories have preset quality standards set and checked at each stage of the assembly of vehicles by the workers accountable for them. First Direct, a European telephone banking organisation, sets limits on waiting times for calls to be answered, average times to be taken for meeting each customers requests and assurance standards to monitor that customer requests have been acted on correctly.Quality assurance has the following advantagesi.It makes everyone responsible for quality this can be a form of employment enrichment. ii.Self-checking and making efforts to improve quality increases motivation. iii.The system can be used to outline back quality problems to the stage of the production process where a problem cleverness have been occurring. iv.It reduces the need for expensive final inspection and correction or reworking of faulty products. v.To gain accreditation for quality awards these can bestow a business real situation or kudos. The most widely accepted quality award within the European Union is ISO 9000.Referencehttp// as multi-pages

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Tree top walk in fern tree park

Executive SummaryKeeping bionomical value and moneymaking(prenominal) value is so of entailment to a home(a) h hotshoty oil that developing new land engagement method is of great signifi tin providece. Ferntree Gully interior(a) position used to be a search land by the Bunurong ( western hemisphereern embrasure ) and Woiworung ( Yarra Yarra ) natives for 100s of aging ages. It is now a usual paseo finish with legion(predicate) passing paths available. This study leave alone give certain(prenominal) On-the-spot probe and research epitome to the current state of personal matters of Ferntree Gully field of study car park. First, we allow reexamine the desire history and important fittings of this park. Then, we depart give analyses and treatments on the environmental characteristics and on this footing offer up a means of land customs duty alteration. In this subdivision, certain statistics along with charts from our sr. throng work will be used to maski ngwards up my positions. Finally, effect of the proposed land usage alteration will be discussed and the workable adadvantages and disadvantages will be expected.IntroductionWith touristry going the thriving and back uping industry of many national states, national Parkss account for a great coincidence in the modern travel manner. Therefore, memory the ecological and mercantile determine of these Parkss is non but of import but withal a serious job. Ferntree Gully bailiwick Park is one of the five subdivisions of Dandenong Ranges bailiwick Park. Bing the south westerly subdivision of Dandenong Ranges National Park, Ferntree Gully National Park is celebrated for its fitness-related liberty chiting and it is alike a popular topographic fate for surface atomic number 18a daies. In order to take amply advantage of this national park and write its ecological and commercial values, researches are conducted and we besides visit this national park. Consequently, this stu dy will discourse the current state of affairs we eat learned of this set. And based on this, to assist observeing the ecological and commercial values of this park, constructing a tree-top walk in this direct will be proposed as a manner of land usage alteration. The possible effects including both advantages and disadvantages of this tree-top walk will be discussed at the celestial pole of this study. During the compendium and treatment, certain statistics and illustrations will be used to enrich this study and back up my point of position.Discussion and AnalysisSite researchThe south- Hesperian subdivision, busying some 600 hectares universe voice of the larger Dandenong Ranges National park, is know as Ferntree Gully National Park which was named afterwards an 1860 picture of the local wood ( Ferntree Gully, Upper, 2008-11-26 ) .Bing in the suburb country, this national park has a long and colourful history. As analyze in the old group work, this web website had been used as runing land and so logging country. In 1987 Sherbrooke Forest, Doongalla Reserve and Ferntree Gully National Park were combined to organize the early(a) Dandenong Ranges National Park. Until June 1997, Olinda State Forest and the Mt Evelyn Forest are included in today s Dandenong Ranges National Park.Ferntree Gully National Park is an perfection finish to excite away metropolis life for a field day or walk through the wood for tourers all over the universe. It is noted for its walking paths, its positions of Melbourne, its ferneries, eucalypt woods, shot countries, birdlife, mammals and its vegetations, including 47 species of native orchids, native grasses, eucalypts and bushs such(prenominal) as shrub pea and southern anil ( Ferntree Gully, Upper, 2008-11-26 ) .Site visit studyLocationAs we have studied in the old group work, this site is in the south western subdivision of the Dandenong Ranges National Park, it locates between the suburbs of Ferntree Gully and Boro nia to the atomic number 74, Upwey to the South, Tremont and sassafras tree to the E and The Basin to the North ( Wikipedia ) . From the mapping order of battlen to a lower place, traffic is cheery in this site. nigh one hr of the 40 kilometres purpose from Melbourne via Burwood Highway or Canterbury Road crumb take you to the site.GeologyLandformThe GPS map below well-nigh shows the Landform of Ferntree Gully National Park. With the aid of GPS, geomorphology t rainfalling of this site preserve be studied.Harmonizing to the part of Primary Industry s comment of comparative lift ( McDonald et Al, cited in DPI sexual relation Elevation ) , the landforms of Ferntree Gully National Park are classified in both types aggrandizement from 90 to 300 metres and altitude superiorer up 300 metres. The former is defined as Hill and the latter Mountain . stainSoil PH is an of import portion of the life environmental conditions for workss and dirt microorganisms. The ideal dirt PH ( weewee ) trial consequence is PH 6-7.5 for or so sorts of workss, although many will digest PH 5.5-8.5. polar species may flip different preferent PH scopes, therefore considerations should be taken to take an appropriate life circumstance.From put down 3, the dirt PH is likely to be 5.5-6.0, looking to be influenced by the dismission magma, and shows decrepit acidic. For the bulk workss here ( ferns ) , the most approximative dirt PH is solely 5.5-6.0. Therefore, the local workss species have already been in ideal life conditions in this reasonably acidic circumstance, although the dirt PH is non in the perfect impersonal scope.Climate fall may impact the local workss and microorganisms. chair rainwater may contribute to the affluent plant and comfortable bugs. The mean rainfall of this site holds steady throughout the year harmonizing to skeleton 4. Of the rainfall studied by now, the sum of rainfall in February 2011 is about ternary of the average rainfall during the withstand 17years. This inordinate rainfall may change magnitude the hazards of deluging in the country. As can be seen in learn 5, topography of the zone does hold influence on the rainfall in this country. The above figure shows a news leak agent western confronting incline and a drier einsteiniumern confronting incline. The ground seems to be that the predominating air current from the ocean blows from the West and weakens before making the E.An some other of import factor to explicate the local clime must be temperature. Figure 6 shows the maximal temperatures at this site and Figure 7 shows the minimal temperatures. Both figures show that the temperatures of November to March are higher than the other months, which matches with the features of summer seasons of the southern hemisphere.HydrologyWater is the setoff of the life. Water keeps the organisms operation and the land green. From Figure 8, two little brooks can be seen Ferntree Gully Creek to the south/ east and the feeders of Blind Creek to the West, which finally leading to the Dandenong Creek and flows into Port Phillip Bay ( overnice Water Resources Interactive Map ) . It is a job that no major H2O organic structure is within this site.bionomicsVegetationThe coverage of land flora has certain effects on the ambiance and clime in this country. Plant photosynthesis can devour C dioxide and supply O therefore purifies air and weakens the nursery consequence. Harmonizing to the old group work, the species of flora within this site portion a huge scope. In Figure 9, flora of this site can be divided into their native flora group. In Figure 10, it is specified harmonizing to the motley made by the Department of Sustainability and Environment. The parity of both figures shows that the flora within this site is separated into many communities and owes a broad scope.FaunasAnother biological feature of an eco-system is animal which forms the cardinal portion of the nutrient concat enation. The professional flora conditions help to back up a assortment of mammals and supply shelters for them.Effectss of constructing a Tree-Top walkway in this siteHarmonizing to the probe and analysis of this site, the park is an ideal topographic point for sightseeing and touristry. With the rapid development of Australian touristry, it is necessary to keep the ecological and commercial values of this park in the long term.fifty Tree-Top WalkThe Tree-Top Walk was the lone Australian cunning force to win an award and was elect from more than 75 entries from 38 states ( tourism WESTERN AUSTRALIA ) . Since it foremost put into usage, it attracts 1000s of repeating clients. Harmonizing to a sample study of 385 on Tree-Top Walk in the south West of Western Australia ( Hughes, M. & A Morrison-Saunders, A. , 2002 ) , consequences showed that the bulk of repeating visitants to the Tree-Top Walk were female and had returned to demo the site to friends and/or relations who were fi rst cut visitants. First jog visitants were impressed by both the Tree-Top Walk verbal expression itself and the internal forest milieus . Figure 12 shows a exposure of the Tree-Top Walk.cubic decimeter EffectssAdvantagesTree-Top Walk helps to keep the ecological and commercial values of Ferntree Gully National Park. Tree-Top Walk itself non merely provides a convenient and perfect position of the eco-beauty, but besides it is a giant of modern architecture. feeling down from the high paseo, tourers can skillful bask the rain forest below and take a breath reinvigorated air at the same clip without destructing the ecosystem. Repeated clients besides bring high benefits for the park. Given below are illustrations of Tree-Top Walk in different attractive forces.The HSBC Tree-Top Walk,a separate suspension span, connects the two highest points of MacRitchie and offers an first-class vantage point for the diverse community of workss and tickle pink beings that live in the fore st canopy. ( TA_Singapore_Guide,2010 )The walk commences at the visitant Centre, which subtly introduces you to the rain forest, falling gently to the entry construction and onto the steel trussed tree walk. ( Otway rainfly Tree-Top Walk )DisadvantagesThingss ever have two sides, no exclusion for Tree-Top Walk. This grand build giant is time-consuming and money-consuming. The park will likely be closed during the twist for a long clip and the immense sum of money will be another job. Besides, security steps for possible dangers are to be considered. A go over concentrating on whether the Tree-Top Walk delivered benefits associated with traditional ecotourism shows no optimistic ( HUGHES M. , MORRISON-SAUNDERS A. , 2003 ) .DecisionConstructing a Tree-Top Walk is likely to be an anticipating land usage alteration for Ferntree Gully National Park. Harmonizing to researches and surveies above, it does supply a manner to keep the ecological and commercial values of this site. Alth ough it may confront certain hazards, the possible net incomes accompanied may be immense. Detailed programs and plans should be developed if this childbed is to be carried out.