Monday, September 30, 2019

Philosophy of Gifted Students Essay

Shona Hemphill July 22, 2009 EDSP 4510 sec. 476 Structuring Gifted Programs If I had to pick the most important model from the Structuring Gifted Programs figure in chapter eleven, I would have to choose Individualized Instruction. This model breaks down instructions for assignments in a manner that is unique to an individual’s understanding. If a student does not understand the instructions, the teacher will personally come to the student and explain the instructions to him/her. Or, the teacher could possibly already be aware of the students who are gifted and incorporate special instructions for the gifted students. A regular lesson plan may not be challenging enough for a student who is gifted. I personally have a problem understanding instructions and I know how accommodating this model can be. Everyone processes information differently and that should not be the reason why students fail or gifted students go unnoticed. Breaking down instructions individually is extremely important because it helps to determine what kind of student you are dealing with. Take myself for example, on our first assignment I did not find all of the instruction, therefore, the assignment that I turned in was not the best that it could have been. However, once I was provided a second chance, and I fully understood the instruction, I was able to give one hundred percent to the assignment, and earned a grade of ninety six percent. Had I not had the opportunity to go back and really understand the instructions, I would have probably received a â€Å"C† for that assignment. Properly understanding instructions play a major part in a student’s performance, and Individualized Instruction can be a big help with this issue. Another important model from the figure in chapter eleven is, Gifted Clusters. I believe that this model focuses on getting groups of gifted students together to learn on a more advanced level. The gifted students that are in a classroom can be clustered together whenever there are group projects, that way it relieves the pressure of the gifted student doing all of the work whenever they are assigned to a group. This model also helps the gifted students to feel included because they will be surrounded with people that are a lot like themselves. Sometimes gifted students have a problem with fitting in with other students. This model is one of the best because it attempts to resolve the issue of fitting in. Being in a cluster of gifted individuals help the students feel as if they belong. With the everyday pressure that gifted students experience, this model may slightly lessen some of the pressure because it lays the foundation of a social network. Sometimes socializing can be difficult for gifted students, but if they were grouped together, it just might be easier to open up, and get to know one another. This model is important because it may also have an effect on self esteem. Once students began to socialize and find a place where they feel like they fit in, they began to become more confident and self assured. I speak from experience. I was lost at one point and really felt like I did not belong. I then started to hang out with people who were more like me and had some of the same beliefs and values that I possessed. Before I knew it, I was not as shy, I noticed that I walked with my head held high, and I became a social butterfly. When I think back about five years ago, I was nothing like I am now, and I have my cluster of friends to thank for that. The last model from the figure in chapter eleven that I find to be extremely important is Honors Classes. This model concentrates on placing gifted students in the appropriate classes so that they can reach their fullest potential. If a student is performing at a level that seems to be more advanced that average students, then they will be placed in honors classes. Honors classes are a bit more challenging than the standard classes that are traditionally taught in schools. Sometimes these classes can be fast paced and cover twice as much information than the standard classes. These classes really attempt to cater to the gifted students. This model is one of the important ones because of the challenges that honors classes provide for the gifted students. These classes allow the students to use their knowledge and skills and to keep the brain actively learning. As I said before, nothing is worst than getting out of bed in the morning and going to school, only to learn something that you already know. Honors classes help to maintain a student’s giftedness, and without it, the student’s brain capacity may decrease if it is not continually being stimulated. Every school should offer honors classes because it is imperative that students get the education that is individually required for them to have the most successful academic career as possible.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Christianity vs Jainism Essay

I have selected Christianity and Jainism, two of the foremost world beliefs as the two beliefs I would like to compare. I chose these two beliefs because of my familiarity with Christianity and my concern in liking to discover more about Jainism. I begun my study by liking to understand about their likenesses but completed up discovering many more about their differences. I will start by giving a short abstract on each belief and then I will register and interpret three dissimilarities in their outlooks on perfection, convictions in Gods, and finally their convictions about non-violence. Lastly, I will announce the book reader how these dissimilarities sway the persons inside the religion. First, let’s take a gaze at Christianity. It is a monotheistic belief that begun almost 2000 years ago. In the publication, Living Religions, it states Christianity as a belief founded belief that aim its’ outlooks on the life and outlooks of Jesus Christ (Living 295). Christians should make every effort to be like Jesus. The concepts that Christians accept as factual about Jesus (his life and teaching) are founded on biblical text (Living 297). The Bible, which comprises the educating of Jesus through scriptures and text, has been mentioned to as the divinely motivated Word of God. Christians accept as factual that Jesus is the Son of God and that God conceived all things (Konig). Jainism, on the other hand, is a non-theistic religion. It is a non-Vedic belief that drawn from out of India. There is no creator or destroyer (Living 122). Jainism is one of India’s oldest and was one of its smallest renowned beliefs but is now evolving identified as a entire and fruitful route (Living 120). Christianity and Jainism disagree in their convictions about perfection. Christians accept as factual that no one except Christ is perfect. Christians accept as factual that there is no way to come to that flawless state. They accept as factual that as long as there are persons, there will habitually be sin. Judaism and Christianity evolved on the cornerstone complying God, on adherence to his directions and aims and their trustworthy fulfillment. Since the fulfillment of God’s will is a obligation of a Jewish or Christian individual, both beliefs drop into the rule-deontological category. In Judaism, God is glimpsed as having a contractual connection with the Jewish persons where they should comply his holy regulations in come back for their rank of the selected people. God pays or penalizes Jewish persons founded on if they comply or disobey his will. In components of the Old Testament, although, God does display clemency or forgiveness, and in subsequent interpretations God’s regulations such as the Ten Commandments are pursued not only out of commitment to God but furthermore because of their high lesson character. In Christianity, the focus is put on love of God other than on complying his will. People should accept as factual that God is merciful and loves them as well. As a reflection of God’s love, persons should furthermore love other persons (and the entire humanity in general) and pardon their enemies. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus endorses agape, or selfless love (in compare to eros, or possessive love), which comprises of dedication to another person’s good, even at the total cost of our own good and happiness. People should perform calm and nonviolence; come back healthy bad and love for pain (â€Å"turn the other cheek†). This directs to a exceptional beginning of fairness, called the â€Å"divine justice†, which is founded on giving a individual what he or she desires rather than warrants (e. g. , in case of a misdeed, redemption rather getting even). Even though anapestic love is absolutely a noble perfect, it is unstable equilibrium and an so straightforward casualty of the â€Å"prisoner’s dilemma,† in which the best alternate for a assembly of persons is not the best alternate for each individual in the group. In other phrases, firm adherence to anapestic perfect only works if every individual pursues it but falls short if there are self-centered persons who take benefit of the selfless people. Have you ever been exploring for a thing on the Internet and snapped on a guiltless staring overpass and been sent to a pornographic site? This eventuates more times than bulk separate population realize. Many times dead overpasses or wrong positions will self-acting lead you to a pornographic site. The way that pornography on the Internet is accessed wants to be modified, so it is not mistakenly opened. There is many of debate through if pornography ought be on the Internet or not. Personally I could care smaller diagram if it was on World Wide Web or not. I perform not view at any of it neither will I ever care to. There are numerous separate populations out there any people who perform decide to view at pornography. I sense that is someone choice. As prolonged as the someone is 18 or through they ought be competent to view at pornography on the computer show in public till their eyes pass over if they longing to. The simply real problem I look is how a customer can be so without obstacle misdirected to a pornography position and exploring to receive out of one of these sites later you have mistakenly been sent there can be annoying. I am definite we have all had this problem, you in one way or another receive sent to a porn position and all these tiny packing metal cans commence popping higher to play-act to other sites, to view at photos, and to pay for things. Trying to snap your way out can be crazy. Every time you lastly remove one packing reservoir another one pops up. If you test to exercise the behind button to receive out, you not able to because the site’s designer has it initiate so you are snared there. The way these sites are initiate wants to be changed. A customer ought not to be sent there if not they prepared in â€Å"pornography† in a explore motor or they prepared in a actual pornographic site’s address. Misdirection to these sites wants to be stopped. Many separate population dispute that pornography ought not to be on the Internet because younger young youngsters could receive into these sites and look item they perform not want seeing. In my view, younger young youngsters ought not even be on the Internet without develop someone supervision. There is many of knowledge on the Internet that younger young youngsters perform not want to be accessing in supplement to pornography. What I perform not understand is that you can play-act to a warehouse and pay for a pornographic journal or play-act to a cinema warehouse and hire a pornographic cinema and separate population are smaller diagram bothered by these ;than the very interchangeable thing on the Internet. I sense that just because there is pornographic material on the Internet that does not intend that you have to view at it. If it bothers you afterward just perform not play-act near these sites. Use the Internet for your have intents and sanction other separate population to exercise it for their reasons. As prolonged as the way pornographic sites are investigated on the Internet are modified in lead that separate population are not mistakenly sent to these sites ,I look no start why these sites not able to be on the Internet with all the other knowledge out there. I not able to ever play-act to these sites so if they are extracted it not able to act on at all since it does not act on me now. It is a someone determination that each someone has to generate for themselves and I consider every someone ought have the right to entry to no matter what material they are fascinated in.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Plc Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plc - Assignment Example To be able to work, the PLC first monitors different conditions. Basing on these conditions, an outcome is determined. The next step of PLC operation is the creation of logical rules by use of programmable software which allows for adaptability. The final is decision-making depending on logical rules. Decisions are determined by logical rules that the PLC is taught by way of its programming software. 3. The PLC functions by observing the interaction of four internal areas. The four internal areas of the PLC are the Central Processing Unit, CPU, the memory, the communication ports, and the Input/Output devices (, 2010). 4. The CPU is the place where decision-making in the PLC takes place. It also has a memory, where the CPU stores the user’s control programme, the Input/Output (I/O) status, and data. Communication ports make up the third internal area, and these allow for the user’s programme to be loaded into the memory from a personal computer (PC). It also facilitates the communication with other external memories including other PLCs in order to exchange data. The fourth internal area is made up of Input/Output devices 5. Why were PLC’s were invented/developed - PLCs were initially developed to meet specifications that were developed by General Motor’s Hydra-matic division to replace relay-based machine control due to their use of latter logic programming. PLCs would, therefore, help to allow for quick changes and reduction in wiring, and troubleshooting time. This was a huge development from the older rely-based control systems. 8.What makes a PLC very versatile is the ability to programme and re-programme it. Re-programming makes it possible to change the outcome when, and if, the future conditions change, so as to meet the changing

Friday, September 27, 2019

The influences of Chinese culture on leadership style Dissertation

The influences of Chinese culture on leadership style - Dissertation Example It was likewise found that private sector employees experience all leadership styles more than their public sector counterparts. These outcomes are relevant to ensuring the satisfaction and retention of staff. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Cross-cultural research has emphasized how culture can be strongly associated with leadership behaviours. Aside from practical needs, it is also of great importance that the influence of culture on leadership is investigated. The notion on the concept of leadership has now highlighted the fact that attitudes, behaviours, and values of leaders can vary due to national cultures (Liu, Fu, and Wu 2008). Moreover, it has also been asserted that leaders’ effectiveness considerably differs due to the culture with which such leaders function (Fikret-Pasa, Kabasakal, and Bodur 2001). Because strong evidence exists regarding the impact on national culture on the behaviour of leaders, the influence of Chinese culture on their style s of leadership has been widely documented (Wang, Tsui, and Xin 2011). The considerable transformation of the People’s Republic of China with regards to their political, economic and social aspects has caught the world’s interest over the previous years. Due to a planned economy that has become increasingly competitive during the past two decades, the country’s activities have become more incorporated into the global economy and has been observed to be a very significant player in the international market (Tsui and Lau 2002). China also remains to be the world’s largest Communist nation and is committed to function with its cultural influences in controlling and managing businesses. Nonetheless, traditional firms in China have continued to experience major organisational transformations as well as an increased competition due to numerous new and fresh entrepreneurial companies (Tsui and Lau 2002; Moody 2003). Such conditions develop a sense of uncertainty for firms and establishes a setting in which their leaders must possess and demonstrate a high level of good judgment to positively influence organisational outcomes (Boal and Hooijberg 2000). The more effective and cautious leaders are, the better their influence on decisions, and behavioural decisions will be, hence, better outcomes for their firms (Boal 2004). Moreover, traditional Chinese culture allow leaders to have dominant control and authority over their firms and have the main responsibility of making decisions as their subordinates expect guidance and consent from them. Leaders represent important figures in any organisation whose actions and decisions are observed and adopted by others (Farh and Cheng 2000). Chinese leaders were selected as the main topic for the current study as they function in a working environment that is characterized by constant environmental changes (Tsui, Schoonhoven, Meyer, Lau, and Milkovich 2004), yet their commitment to operate in accordance with cultural beliefs and values cannot be overemphasized. In environments characterized by ambiguity and instability, leaders are expected to provide their firms with a vision and direction for the future. China’s major transformation into free market competition has

Thursday, September 26, 2019

BENCHMARKING ( MEASURES AND METRICS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

BENCHMARKING ( MEASURES AND METRICS) - Essay Example Part of this deals with the employee satisfaction analysis. Having an effectual incident management facility prepared is a significant component of the operation as well as execution of any â€Å"software, hardware, or related business process† (Knapp, 1999, p. 82). Businesses are starting to understand that communication and interactions among â€Å"system and software developers† (Malone, 2010, p. 99) and personnel carrying out incident management activities can give insights for forming enhanced infrastructure â€Å"defenses and response processes† (Malone, 2010, p. 99) to overcome or avoid harmful and illegal movement and intimidation. The central objective of incident management is to recognize, evaluate, and rectify any possible risks. Once an appropriate incident management program is put prepared, then any incidents that take place should be dealt with the accurate strategy. One of the issues to be faced in creating successful incident management ability is acknowledging the wider extent of incident management effort. It is not sufficient any longer to only ‘handle’ happenings and incidents in a technological security perspective; the company must be able to include security into all aspects of its functions. In view of the fact that incidents can have extensive outcomes and allegations having an effect on the internal defense - privacy, accessibility, reliability - of important information and resources, confidentiality of records and beyond, incident management actions can entail several factions within the company. External groups may as well be engaged, together with dogmatic bodies, law enforcement agencies, and perhaps other computer-response safety companies. Incident Management should as well maintain a record of incidents for coverage, and incorporate with other procedures to ascertain nonstop enhancement (Johnson and Help Desk Institute Staff, 2002, p. 70). The company places immense stress on the suitable rec ording, categorization, analysis, intensification, and resolution of incidents. Here, Help Desk plays the most important function, performing as the initial line of support and dynamically routing incidents to professionals as well as subject matter experts. To be completely useful, the Help Desk has to function in agreement with other sustaining processes (Rossett, 2009, p. 103). For example, if a number of incidents are traced at the same time, the Help Desk agent requires adequate data to prioritize every incident. Technology can be a very important contributing part by positioning incidents in accordance with business force and necessity. These days, several tools facilitate the mechanical recording of incidents in the Service Desk operation, but need the means to associate incidents and link them with business service levels (Ellis, 1999, p. 22). Several Help Desk solutions offer self-assistance in addition to knowledge based ability, but even if users resolve the concern thems elves, they must record the incident. This is essential, in view of the fact that the IT function can positively utilize a precise foundation of recorded incidents to assist effective process developments along other IT Service Management process lines. In addition, giving end users the facility to â€Å"log noontime critical incidents† (Info-Tech Research Group, 2003, p. 10) by means of a web enabled interface

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gender and Sexual Studies - Female Masculinity Research Paper

Gender and Sexual Studies - Female Masculinity - Research Paper Example The issue of masculinity brings out notions of power, privilege and legitimacy. It symbolizes the power of state and unequal distribution of property. It represents the inheritance and social privileges across gender and sexuality. Culture and society tends to ignore and discourage female masculinity and yet is highly attentive on male femininity. â€Å"Issues of gender inequality are perpetuated by the patriarchal nature of our society that permits male domination and female subordination† (Kambarami, 2006). This has largely been influenced throughout the process of socialization. Researchers, community organizers and law enforcers who concern themselves with anti-LGB (-lesbian, -gay and –bisexual) prejudice and discrimination tend to conflate those aspects that target sexual orientation with other issues of gender non nonconformity (Gordon, 2007). Gender nonconformity is defined as â€Å"An outward appearance or gender expression that does not conform to the traditio nal laws of gender† (Gordon, 2007). It is attributed with experiences of sexual minority and behaviors that deviate from the expected gender roles. The gender nonconformity incidences were discovered to occur in the societal set up and were mostly perpetrated in the family, in schools, religious settings like a church and in the corporate world like in a public retail setting (Gordon, 2007). This gives evidence of the roles played by the society through its basic institutions on the issues of gender and sexuality. There are various contexts in which the society shapes women to femininity. It sets boundaries for women that are morally acceptable according to cultural norms and customs. There is interplay between femininity, sexuality and culture (Kambarami, 2006). Culture impacts feminine sexuality negatively by imprisoning women to subordination of patriarchy which consequently renders them powerless to control their sexuality. Feminists define patriarchy as â€Å"A social sy stem in which men tend to over rule all the social responsibilities as women remain in subordination† (Kambarami, 2006). An example of a social setting where feminism is highly displayed and culturally manipulated is in the family. The socialization process differentiates the boy and girl child at a very tender age. The boys are oriented to view themselves as the family heads and breadwinners whereas the girls are trained to be obedient and submissive housekeepers (Kambarami, 2006). This consequently displays women as sexual beings and not human beings, where they are being defined in relation to men therefore dependent to them always. The society instills in women qualities such as gentleness, passivity and submission in order to always please men (Kambarami, 2006). In our culture for example when a girl attains the puberty age, she receives endless teachings on how to please and maintain her future husband by being a submissive wife. She is further exposed to issues of her s exuality and how best to utilize it for male’s benefit. The teachings encourage dependency where a woman ultimately cannot support themselves in absence of the husband. They observe a male figure with great awe for provision and cannot survive alone in the case of the husband’s death but have to remarry. The society values the male child more than the female. The foundation of this is in the family where a boy child rules a girl child by the right of birth. He

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Macro & Microeconomic Of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Macro & Microeconomic Of China - Essay Example The Macro & Microeconomic Of China China has become a good model for ongoing rapid growth for a developing country as a whole. Compared to a developed country’s performance like the USA, its growth has been more than 300% as of the most recent year. There have been envious criticisms about Chinese ways of progressing. Are such accusations like currency manipulation and piracy of intellectual property the real reasons for such rapid economic growth? If not what enabled China to sustain its growth and to comparatively maintain low unemployment rates? The hypothesis to be proven in this term paper is that China, although ruled by the Communist Party which practices dictatorship up to a certain extent, was able to draw a general cooperation from among the majority of people. Its culture was actually practicing some aspects of democracy and genuine concern by the government for the welfare of the Chinese people. From its vast manpower resource, and the willingness of the government to fund the people’s productive endeavours, the aggregate productivity soared to great heights and was able to make China very competitive in meeting the global demand for goods and services. In other words, there were reforms (Fosu 2013, p.154) fro m harsh dictatorial rule in the past, to rational approaches in government transactions with people within China and in the international community. This paper also provides recommendations for other developing and developed countries to consider for adoption, as well as recommendations how China can further improve its socio-economic acceptance worldwide in spite of being a Communistic country. From State-Owned Enterprises to Restructured Business Enterprises Dosi et. al. (2013) described the companies in Mainland China to be made up of seven categories of ownership under the reformed or restructured economy, namely, (1) the State-Owned enterprises, (2) foreign-invested made up of foreign Multinational Corporations (MNC)s and Joint Ventures (JVs), (3)private-owned enterprises (POEs), (4)shareholding enterprises, (5)collective-owned enterprises (COEs), (6) Hongkong, Macau, and Taiwan invested enterprises (HMTs), and (7) Other Domestic Enterprises (ODEs). Details of businesses are fu rther identified in Figure 5 of the Appendix Section. These businesses became parts of the economy not instantly with one decision, but gradually over the years since 1978. The chronological reforms are as follows: Years Developments in terms of economic reforms 1978-1984 Stage 1. State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) were decentralized. Both profits and power were transferred to the private sector. But government still ruled over the contracted businesses to the private sector. There were discouraging restrictions against foreign investors prior to 1978. (p.5) 1979 to mid-1980s A law on Joint Ventures enabled foreign investors to share technology with SOEs. Four (4) SEZz or Special Economic Zones were opened. Businesses were still restricted in the domestic market. Production was for export business operations. (p.5) 1985-1992 The government separated itself from the management of contracted businesses. Prior to this, SOE were controlled ultimately by the government. And there was only so me delegation of management rights. SOEs experienced net losses up to 1997, This brought about a policy to let go of the small business activities still under government control and to simply maintain the big sectors like monopolistic enterprises (e.g. energy and other natural resources). 1994 Parts

Monday, September 23, 2019

Post-Implementation Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Post-Implementation Issues - Essay Example CAVIES would streamline and integrate the veterinary practice details of all the ten branches so clients’ needs could be addressed by any of the branch, in the case of emergencies. VOLES on the other hand, would facilitate check on the inventory of the veterinary products in the various branches and would ensure maintenance of adequate supply by ordering products which are in short supply. It would also keep track of the controlled drugs with details like their usage by the people and for the people etc. Implementation plan would not comprise of details and integration of modules like financial statement or any other management information, though efforts to link the CAVIES and VOLES to MICE system would be facilitated. Phase III parallel running of two system where client’s appointment for their pets and record maintenance of CAVIES and Sale order module of VOLE system would be taken up. Tentative timeframe would be 2 months. Direct changeover to new system is not advisable mainly because of following reasons: new system needs to be tested for inconsistencies and reconciliation of converted data; the end users i.e the staff and veterinary surgeons and nurses need time to become proficient in the use of new system 2.3. Data migration This step would primarily involve steps as: identification of data from the existing paper records and existing information system; codification of data which would be carried out by the people of HCL in the presence of CVGL staff; and data entry and conversion of data from the existing information system in the main server at the headquarters. Entry of data can either be carried out by the ISS staff or given to outside agency on contract. 2.4. Training Initially 1 week training of trainers, taken from existing staff of ISS and other departments, would be carried out in the following areas

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Arab Woman and Politics on Present Times Term Paper

Arab Woman and Politics on Present Times - Term Paper Example Through looking at the position of the Arab women at a global scale, of their movements, empowerments and developments in their struggle for gender inequality and at their political participation in their society, this paper found out that Arab women were already making changes of involvement in politics. However, there were still constraints in achieving this entirely. Introduction Women, indeed, were always seen as a status lower than men. Discrimination of different sorts had been experienced by these women in every part of the world for the reason that gender was seen as a factor that would influence women’s position at a disadvantaged position. There were a lot of forms of inequality that had been experienced by these women simply because of the fact that they were born to be women. Meanwhile, the case of the Arab women was not an exception to this gender inequality. In fact, throughout the history and in every part of the world, Arab women had experienced much more varie d forms of discrimination than other women. These women had suffered the restrictions of their freedoms and rights. According to Karam (1999), among the reasons of these women being subjected to restriction of their freedoms and rights, to having a low political representation and other forms of inequality was their religion of being an Islam. However, it was not the case that it was only their religion that had added up to making these women be discriminated but their culture in the Arab world also had influenced the inequality. These were main causes that had served as impediments in achieving equality were reflected in their laws on economy, education, criminal justice, health care, political representation and others. Based on the intersectionality theory (Collins, 2000), the Arab women had been undergoing through multiple forms of discrimination because axes of their identity like gender, culture and religion had been interacting at various levels that contribute to their exper ience of social inequality. Given this, the focus of my study would delve on the experiences and situations of Arab women in their struggle to be represented in the political arena in the contemporary Arab world. This research was of important concern for the very reason that these women had continued to experience intense forms of discrimination in other regions of the world and most especially, in their own nations. In order to gain much understanding of the topic under study, the research paper was divided into following sections: a) Situating the Picture Globally, b) Movements, Empowerments and Developments of Women for Gender Equality in the Arab World, and c) The Political Participation of Arab Women and Its Challenges. This section would first present an overview of the literatures which had aimed at providing a cursory outlook at how to look at this concern. The last part of this paper was the generalization on Arab women and politics on the present times. a) Situating the P icture Globally Women had received a special attention on their concerns regarding the continuity of discrimination against them and their marginalized roles worldwide. The Arab women were not isolated from the debate on discrimination and inequality. In fact, it was the case that according to the Arab

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Time and the Clocks Essay Example for Free

Time and the Clocks Essay Introduction It is well known that technology is very important aspect in human life and Critical Engagement with Technology class held lot of concepts and theories with regard to how to look at and understand technology that helped in changing some of the previous understandings. The class helped in developing the skills to be able to evaluate different approaches and ways of thinking in regards to understanding technology. Also to know the issues that impact the management of technology and how the technology influenced managers’ abilities to provide better management of both resources and people. The class also examined the drivers and factors that impacted technology implementation such as social, political, economic, among others. The new way of thinking about the technology and how it is driven was presented in class through several topics that was introduced such as: â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†, Historical Perspective on Technology The Industrial Revolution Technology as the Context for and Product of Human Endeavour Technological Determinism Social Shaping of Technology Management, Power and Technology The course further gave us the opportunity to pick a technology and ably what we learned in the class. Our case study that we picked talked about the clocks and how the society shaped the way of measuring time throughout history. The clock nowadays are technology that has been taken for granted. The focus of this case study is to show the importance of time measurement and how our life nowadays revolves around it. By going through history all the way from using the sun and stars to the development of clocks that neither lose nor gain one second in 200 million years to show how humanity searches for more accuracy by developing the tools to measure the time. Literature Review As mentioned earlier, the course provided us with lot of concepts and theories with regards to technology that in turns helped in understanding and facilitating of our case study. Concepts such as Technological Determinism and Social Shaping of Technology helped in carrying out our research and that is why it is important to define them. The idea of that technology development affect and shape the society is called Technological Determinism and it implies that the technology changes by following its own logic and come from outside society. Hard technological determinism which lays on simple cause-and-effect and not considering other factors such as economic, political, cultural, among others is considered as an oversimplified theory for the technological change. This was the common way of thinking that encourage the passive attitude toward technology change. It is worth mentioning that new technology are developed from an existing technology or a combinations of several existing technologies through a gradual change. Therefore, the social shaping of technology theory critique the technological determinism theory and suggests that society has more active attitude toward technology development in the since that society decides what and how to use it. Also the social shaping of technology theory consider other factors mentioned previously that affect the technology wheel of development (Mackenzie and Wajcman, 1999). Having said that, the distinguish between the two theories among the other topics learned in this course open our minds as well as provided us with better understanding of technology development. The Beginnings of the Clocks The movement of earth and its moon gave the indications for the year, month, and day. Human invented the hours, minutes and seconds as smaller units for the time. Middle East ancient civilization divided the day into 24 hours with 60 minutes an hour and 60 seconds a minutes. At the beginning there were the sundials and the water clocks that didn’t give exact time but rather represent the flow of time (Franz, 1978) (Dale, 1992). Before the mechanical clocks, people had many attempts to find a tool to measure time more accurately. The candle clock which was basically a candle with the hours marked on it was one device. Another device was the hourglass or sandglass that was used at sea and it required someone to stay next to it to flip it because each flip was counted as half an hour or an hour. Although both devices were used at night and that helped in solving the problem of the sundial that depends on the sun, another problem came to realization which was that these devices didn’t give the time of the day rather they only measured periods of time (Dale, 1992). People of ancient China, Babylon, and Egypt discovered the link between timekeeping and the positions of stars due to the fact that stars changes position in a regular pattern. This link motivated people to find new ways to measure time more accurately especially at sea (Dale, 1992). Pope Sylvester II invented the first mechanical clock in year 1000 and they spread among European cathedrals by 1300. They were used to inform people about the time they should go to church and that was the early use for them. Some of these clocks gave astronomical information and others had bells to call people (Sherman, 2005). It is interesting that an old mechanical clock that was built in 1386 is still working in England in Salisbury Cathedral. The small clocks didn’t come along until after the invention of mainspring and those clocks were built for wealthy people where they were considered as valuable possessions that they show off with. Marine Navigation When the magnetic compass were invented, it was used by sailors to steer the ships in an accurate direction, but compasses weren’t steady enough in rough weather and hence deciding the direction based on them was difficult. The Sextant was the next invention and it was the instrument used to measure the heights of the sun in order to calculate the ship’s latitude (May, 1973) (Cotter, 1977). All these instruments solve part of the problem because there were no means to measure the longitude and the position of the ships on the latitude was purely based on the sailors’ guess (Cotter, 1977). The speed of ships is measured by knots and it is based on an old method called the ‘Dead Reckoning’. After plotting the course using the compass, a rope with several knots on it with a log at the end of that rope were thrown overboard. Then a sandglass was used to measure the period. When it was time the rope was pulled and the knots were counted. Using this method sailors were able to calculate the distance they sailed (May, 1973) (Gould and Dyson, 1976). The compass, astrolabe and the dead reckoning were the only methods used by the great explorers like Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus and what is more interesting is that they didn’t have a particular destination when they discovered the new lands. These discoveries provided the opportunity of trading but another problem of navigation came up. No one was able to know how long the trip going to take or how much food they should take with them to feed the crew of the ship. Fresh food rotted before they reach their destination along with other problems caused by the poor navigation at that time. Knowing the longitude and better timekeeping was the answer. Cotter (1977) stated that the difference between the time readings in two different places will help in calculating the longitude. For this calculation to be possible a standard time was needed. Since Britain was the leading seafaring nation in the 17th century it decided to take the Royal Observatory at Greenwich as the standard time and the longitude passing through Greenwich became 0 degrees. At that time other countries took different places as mark 0 degrees. When the radio were used as the mean of communication between ships, Greenwich system was used internationally in 1884. Mechanical clocks provided more accurate measurement of time than candles or sandglasses, but still they were not accurate enough because the swinging of the pendulum was upset by the motion of the ships. The early mechanical clocks needed to be checked against other clocks or against the sun on a frequent bases. Sailors knew that they needed a clock that keep the accurate standard time even under that challenging conditions of the sea. According to Gould and Dyson (1976) the British government was alarmed by the fact that lots of ships both merchant and naval were lost due to the hazardous conditions of the Atlantic Ocean. And that is why the government announced a competition in 1714 with a prize of ? 20,000 for a chronometer with specific criteria. The British government wanted an accurate chronometer that gives the correct longitude reading within 55 kilometres after six weeks of sailing. In order to be that precise, the new chronometer must not loss nor gain more than three seconds per day also it should be able to cope with the conditions of the sea such as the salty sea air and the temperature and humidity changes. At that time no clock was able to achieve that accuracy and it was a big technical challenge. In 1759, John Harrison, who was a clockmaker, succeeded after three previous attempts in inventing the perfect chronometer. The chronometer was tested by Harrison’s son William when he sailed to Jamaica two years after the invention came to light. Harrison’s chronometer passed the test. It only lost an average of 2. 7 second a day and it was able to give an accurate longitude reading within 30 kilometres. It is worth mentioning that chronometers were not used generally until 1800 and this is because it was very expensive to build one. Navigation problems were solved by using the clocks and the seas became busy highways at that time (Gould and Dyson, 1976). Railways Time The industrial revolution was powered by the steam power as well as the revolution in transport where the railways spread quickly at that time. The main purpose of the railways was to transport coal although it was used to transport passengers too. By making the transport easier people’s lives has changed. In the early days of railways public clocks weren’t synchronized and there wasn’t a single standard time. The trains were separated and spread along the tracks using time intervals system and that caused problems for travellers as well as posed a safety hazard. With the introduction of railways time that used Greenwich Mean Time the public timekeeping has changed and that solved the problems of railways. Moreover, the demand for more accuracy in daily tasks were influenced by railway time. It is worth mentioning that it took the government 40 years since the introduction of railways time to legislate the standard time for Great Britain and that was in 1880 (Schivelbusch, 1986). The Industrial Revolution Commodities and industries were made in a different way in Europe after 1780 and that is why historians gave the name the industrial revolution. In this revolution, cheaper and faster machines replaced the costly and slow manual crafts. For example, cotton industry changed a lot, at first cotton was woven manually and it was considered as luxury but with the industrial revolution and the introduction of the new cotton mills, the production become faster and that caused the price to drop drastically for the product. Moreover, this movement puts lot of people out of work and the only thing that they could do at that time is to work in the mills. This movement also introduced many people to the important of time. Factories’ machines were kept running for long time during the day for the investors to gain the best return and it was important that workers arrive on time. Workers who came late were usually punished with a fine deducted from their weekly payments. At that time only few people had clocks to tell them the time other used the ‘knocker-up’ who was someone walking around and waking people to go to work (Cardwell and Cardwell, 2001). The method of workers payments changed due to this movement too. Before works used to earn fixed payments for a day of work but when the factories started to use the shift system workers started to be paid using hourly rate. This was possible with the invention of a machine that kept record of how many hours the worker actually worked. The worker had to stamp a card using that machine that showed the time of start and end. That process was called ‘clocking on-clocking off’ (Cardwell and Cardwell, 2001). Time Control Reeves and Duncan et al. (2001), Webster and Davies et al. (2011), and Borst (1993) agreed upon that ‘Time and motion study’ which was developed by Frederick Taylor in 1880 helped in studying different factories operations to speed them up by identifying what is really needed and that in return helped manufacturers to use their workers and machinery more efficiently. The concept of saving the time became an important one when the awareness of time increased. That concept pushed lot of technologies to be invented especially after the invention of electricity to replace the boring and routine tasks such as cleaning, washing clothes, among others. Another form of time control was the use of time switches which were basically a clock combined with a switch that enabled automatic turning on and off for the devices. More accurate clocks Wagner (2008) said that the work of most specialists such as engineers, physicists, among others depends heavily on precise time measurements. Nowadays, 300 atomic clocks at different laboratories are used to calculate global time. But researchers are pursuing more accuracy in time measurement and the results will replace the process of averaging the data from the atomic clocks. Researchers developed optical clocks that capture and measure the frequencies of strontium atoms (a chemical element with atomic number 38) by using the lasers. With the ability of the new clocks to measure the oscillation at higher frequency ranges, the results are clocks that measure time more accurately. Also these new clocks are expected to measure time in intervals much smaller than what the atomic clock that will help in giving the clock that ability to neither lose nor gain one second in a period of 200 million years (Wagner, 2008). Methodology Before us as a group decided on the topic in hand we had lot of discussions with lot of topics to talk about. After we reached an agreement we distributed the work and each of the members had to research a specific period in time to find out more about time and clocks. It was an interesting task that expanded my knowledge about the subject. After each member focused on the topic assigned our group met to share the findings. Comments were exchanged to further address the subject from different angles. The researches were done using books, online articles, and journals. The group met for the second time with the new findings and slides for the presentation. The presentation was put together and rehearsed. We didn’t have to meet as much because we used methods such as blogs and dropbox to share our work and discuss further. I was assigned with the topic regarding the marine navigation and the early problems and I found out that different resources agreed and have the same facts about the subject. Also I was able to dig deeper and find interesting facts with regards to other topics in this document that in turn helped me gain immense knowledge about the theories proposed as well as provided me with the comprehensive understanding I was seeking. Findings and Discussion I was able to carry out this case study and research with most open mind and with referring to the theories and topics learned in class. I found out that the clocks is considered as one of the oldest inventions in history and also how humanity is continuously seeking for more accuracy in regards to time measurement even nowadays. Also I found out how the concept of time measurement affect and pushed other technologies to emerge and how it was used in the industrial revolution era. It is clear that throughout history human had the same idea which was the important of measuring time. What differs was the development of the devices that measure the time in a more accurate manner. It is also observed that the development of the device depends on the same concepts of the previous ones but with better ways of doing it. Early sailors used land marks and stayed close to the land in order to find their way and to know their position. Then sailors become more adventurist over time and started to find new ways to help them navigate in the open sea. Methods such as astronomy observation helped in calculating the ships’ locations to work out the directions and set the course of the ship by using an instrument called the astrolabe. The astrolabe was the tool used by the ancient Greeks, but the biggest default was it needed a clear sky and it was only used at night. With the invention of the chronometer that solved the marine problems I felt that it was one of the breakthroughs in the world of clocks that help in measuring the time more precisely. It showed that the need of the accuracy in the time measurement was a social need to solve the problems rather than resulting from technological determinism. It is hard nowadays to find someone who doesn’t care about time. This is showed by the fact that everything in the modern life had something to do with time and clocks. For example, the personal computers where the clock is installed as a ship in the heart of the device to regulate the electrical signals (Borst, 1993), the use of the timer in the microwave, setting the alarm to go to work or school, transportation timetable, among other examples. Clocks is everywhere but as mentioned before, it is a technology taken for granted. Conclusion. The clocks development throughout history showed a true evident of the society shaping the technology changes with the need of finding ways to measure time more accurately. Also the history showed that the clocks came a long way and the development and researches for more accurate clocks is still going on. The clocks began with using the sun and the stars. Then they were used to count periods using water clocks, candle clocks, and sandglass clocks. After that mechanical clocks came to light with the use of gears and motion. And with the need for a clock to per the sea conditions and to give accurate longitude readings, the chronometer came about. Finally, reaching to the atomic clocks that we use nowadays to measure time and for the future the use of optical clocks that measure time with smaller intervals than ever. With the development of the clocks we can observe how people lives changed. Not forgetting about the disadvantages where some people suffer from something called ‘time stress’ and this is because we want to do lots of things and the clashes among them caused by the time constrains lead to stress. References Borst, A. 1993. The ordering of time. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Cardwell, D. and Cardwell, D. 2001. Wheels, clocks, and rockets. New York: W. W. Norton. Cotter, C. 1977. The elements of navigation and nautical astronomy. Glasgow: Brown and Ferguson. Dale, R. 1992. Timekeeping. New York: Oxford University Press. Franz, M. 1978. Time. New York: Thames and Hudson. Gould, R. and Dyson, F. 1976. The marine chronometer. London: The Holland Press. Mackenzie, D. and Wajcman, J. 1999. Introductory essay: the social shaping of technology. The social shaping of technology, pp. 327. May, W. 1973. A history of marine navigation. New York: Norton. Reeves, T. C. , Duncan, W. J. Ginter, P.M. 2001, Motion study in management and the arts: A historical example, Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 137-149. Schivelbusch, W. 1986. Railway journey. Berkeley: University presses of California. Top of Form Bottom of Form Sherman, J. 2005. How do we know the nature of time. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. Wagner, C. G. 2008, New Clocks: Its About Time, The Futurist, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 10. Webster, J. , Davies, H. , Stankiewicz, M. Fleming, L. C. 2011, Estimating the Time Involved in Managing the Unoccupied Bed: A Time and Motion Study, Nursing Economics, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 317-22.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History About What Is Travel Agency Tourism Essay

History About What Is Travel Agency Tourism Essay Travel agency  is a confidential  seller/  public service  that present  tourism related  services  to the  public  on behalf of  dealers  like hotel, package tour, railways, rentals car, airlines, sea ways, and airlines. addition to trading with regular  tourists  the majority agencies have a separate department committed to making travel arrangements for commercial travelers and a number of travel agencies focus in commercial travel only. There are also travel agencies that provide as  general sales agents  for overseas businesses, allowing them to have  branches in  regions and nations  other than where their head offices  are placed. Operation Agencys major role is to perform as a  representative. Promoting travel goods and services on behalf of a dealer. Therefore, similar to other retail industries, they dont have a  stock  in stores. A holiday pack or a ticket is not obtained from a dealer till a consumer desires that purchase. The holiday or ticket is providing to them at money off offer. The  revenue  is consequently the variation among the marketing cost which the consumer pays and the discounted cost at which it is offered to the agent. This is known as the  commission. In countless countries, all persons or companies that trade tickets are necessary to be licensed as a travel agent. Many British and American agencies license are based on these associations:-   (IATA) international transport association-  for who issue air tickets (ATOL)  air travel organizers licensing- for who order tickets    (ABTA)  associations of British travel agent or the   (ASTA) the American society of travel agent, for who trade package holidays on behalf of a tour company. Ticketing Reserve and distributing tickets is a most important function of the travel agency. It is necessary for travel agency workers to have familiarity or knowledge about Air travel in the worldwide as well as national segment. This knowledge undertakes a range of other features such as booking methods, class of travel, prohibited matter, special customers, passports, visas, travel directories, hotel guide. Supervisor or an worker have to know the variety of procedures linked to these Management tasks Similar to any other business if you have it in mind to set up and run a travel agency company efficiently you have to apply the management concepts and functions not only in scheduling but also in processing. The organization tasks in a travel agency are linked to the character of business process and the services provided. The key responsibility of travel agency is to supply the purchase of travel to the client at a suitable place. It is at these places that the travel agencies act as reservation representative for road or water transport, railways, hotels, package tours, airlines. They also offer convinced additional services such as, traveler cheque, procuring of visas, foreign exchange, travel insurance, airport transport, customer clearances, permits, etc. A travel agency also behaves like a travel advisor suggesting consultancy on ideas like: How to travel? When to travel and where? Where to stay or do shopping, etc.? Information about rules, policy, safety, etc. Such suggestions are possible only after identifying the clients requirements and attitudes. This part has to be completed neutrally by the travel agency in order to provide the best to the client. Travel agencies are divided in a range of ways. The differences can be based on their memberships such as International Air Transport Association (IATA), Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA), American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), World Association of Travel Agents (WATA), Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTA) or Travel Agents Association of srilanka (TAASL). These recognitions can also be identified by the kind of trade or services they are providing. Acquiring Product familiarity or Knowledge If not a director acquires product knowledge or familiarity with products, it is hard to be successful in travel agency industry. This is exactly true because the majority of the travel agencies are small family businesses with proprietor performing as managers and use little workforce. The managers themselves must have a best product familiarity or knowledge in order to lead and direct their workforce. This is related for mutually, outbound as well as domestic travel. A travel agency workforce should have full familiarity or knowledge of- Destinations: Whether conditions, Political environment, Special events and community holidays, Customs, culture and cuisine of destination, Main attractions, Physical condition and other hazards, Money exchange rates, Travel policy regulations and documents, Lodging facilities, Airlines: Reservation system, Travel Route operations, Flight agenda, Charges, Types of airplanes, Services offered on board, Connecting flights, Airports: Timings, Amenities, Travel Agencies Product knowledge can be obtained From a variety of sources. It is equally Custom and safety regulations, Distances from city, Transportations: Connections or contacts Car rentals, A reservation method and procedures. Other Aspects: Package tours, Excursions, Principal Suppliers: Image and financial standing, Services offered, Quality of service, Commissions offered, Forming or setting up a travel agency To form a travel agency business has to make sure about following aspects: Monetary and Infrastructural requirement, Approval from concerned parties, Recognitions from major suppliers or dealers, Infrastructural and Financial or monetary Requirements Forming a new business in this subject the big capital requirements are less. Most require investment are for the following: Purchase of Suitable office space, Office furniture, Communication system and tools such as, computer, telecommunications Wages for the employees, Office equipment such as, document, files, tag, letterheads Before formulate the travel agency business a significant point to be think is the situated place of the agency or the position of agency. The majority of the travel agents have their offices in busy cities. Travel agents vie for business in the place where they are positioned. At the same time selecting on the position of your office, you should make sure that it is in the marketplace with close access to profitable business. Approvals from Concerned parties Travel agencies want some approvals for start and function the business such approvals are: Recognitions From the (IATA) International Air Transport Association is the global association of Scheduled Airlines. To apply for International Air Transport Association approval an application has to be presented by completing out the essential details, Forms, and sent to Sedentary, Agency Investigation, according to agency investigation below aspects will tartan- Capability to find and procure air traveler transportation Professional standing Financial or economy position Business building, location, etc Workforce experience A final inspection is held and the approval is provided by International Air Transport Association. Mainly it is important state here that all International Air Transport Association approved Agents obtain 9% commission on global air tickets and 6% on domestic air line tickets. Recognition and Licenses Travel agencies have to look for recognition or licensed from Department of Tourism, Travel agency association of srilanka(TAASL) Recognition from the major suppliers such as, the airlines, Banks and recognition by the dealing hotels. Civil aviation license registration  (according to Srilanka) Manager prefer the status of that company   Manager and two staffs with qualified diploma certificate authorized institute. (Have to face an interview to recognizes and get the permission) Original business registration certificate (BRC) True copy from share holders and shares details. If that company based on one person they will need company details and future achievement Section 51 form that ,the main one share holders original details including share percentage MEMBERSHIP PROCEDURE Membership Entrance Fee Rs. 20,000/- Membership Subscription for the ensuring year Rs. 10,000/- Total Rs. 30,000/- Needed Documents Registration Certificate issued by the Ceylon Tourist Board License Certificate to carry on Business as a Travel Agent issued by the Ceylon Tourist Board for the current financial year License Certificate to carry on Business issued by the Aviation Authority for the current year Certificate of Company Registration A letter confirming the authorized and paid up capital form the Auditors TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF SRI LANK APPLICATION FORM FOR MEMBERSHIP The Secretary Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka COLOMBO Name of Company: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Address: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Business: State Nature of Tourist Activities: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Name / Designation of Contact Person: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Tel No: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Fax No: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Email Address: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Signature of Applicant: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I / We wish to apply for election as a member of the Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka and I/We hereby agree to be bound by the Rules of the Association from time to time in force and by the decision of the General Committee. Signature of Applicant: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Services offered Tour packages(family travel, group travel, adventure travel, incentive travel ) Domestic and international tour packages hotel and resort lodging to air transportation car rental needs travel insurance security visa procedures Immunization procedures and other foreign travel requirements. Urgency toll-free phone numbers ticketing airline seating preference Smoking and non-smoking designation It all based on personal interests and budget concerns. License to carry on business as a travel agent C:UsersSingheDocumentsSri-Lanka-Tourism-Development-Authority-Licence-to-Carry-on-Business-as-Travel-Agent-2010.jpg

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change

Global Warming:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It’s gettin’ hot in here, so take off all your clothes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The famous words of R&B star, Nelly, are truer than one might think. It really is getting hot in here. The world’s average temperature is rising every year and is expected to be 5 to 10 degrees higher by the end of the century, which is faster than they have increased in the last ten millennia, according to the National Resource Defense Council’s website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But why is this epidemic happening? As the Defense Council states, global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other types of heat trapping pollution that are collecting like a blanket in the atmosphere, trapping heat from the earth as it tries to radiate back into space. As a result, the planet is getting warming. In fact, 2002 was the hottest year yet. In an article in World Almanac and Book of Facts, 9 out of the10 hottest years have been in the 90's.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are a few major causes of theses heat trapping gases. According to a study conducted by Dr. Gerald Meehl, Warren Washington, T.M.L. Wigley, Julie Arblaster, and Aiguo Dai from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder Colorado, the main contributors to global warming are derived from human activities. Since the start of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O have increased by 30%, 145%, and 15%k respectively. The gases are emitted mainly by cars, power plants, and other industrial sources that burn gasoline, coal, and other fossil fuels.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Obviously, the emissions of these greenhouse gases in excess are leading to the planet’s consistent increase in temperature. For example, in a study conducted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, it was confirmed that earth’s early century warming was caused by mostly solar and volcanic forcing, and the late century warming, from 1940-2000, was mostly caused by the increase of greenhouse   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  gases. The National Resource Defense Council states, if global warming  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  persists, there will be more air pollution and problems with water supplies as precipitation patterns change, as well as huge threats to ecosystems from the Everglades to the glaciers. Not only will there be hotter, longer heat waves and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  more intense storm systems, but also forests, farms and cities will face troublesome new pests and more mosquito-borne diseases. As a result, past pr... ...o buying more fuel efficient cars and promoting an atmosphere friendly lifestyle. References Arblaster, J., Dai, A., Meehl, G., Washington, W., Wigley, T. (2002, July 2002). Solar   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and Greenhouse Gas Forcing and Climate Response in the Twentieth Century.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Journal of Climate, pp426-444. Carey, J. and Shapiro, S. (2004, August 16). Global Warming. Business Week, pp.60-69. Frazier, I. (2003, March/April). As the World Burns. Mother Jones, pp.36-39. Global Climate Coalition. Retrieved on March 28, 2003 from Global Climate Coalition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  the world wide web: Jensen, M. (2004, August). Climate Warming Shakes up Species. BioScience, pp. 722-729. Schulz, K. (2003, February 20). Global Warming Right Now. Rolling Stone. pp. 35-38. (2003). Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming. World Almanac & Book of Facts, p165. (2003). Global Warming 101 What it is, How it's Caused, and What Needs to be Done to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stop it. Global Warming: In Brief. Retrieved March 28, 2003 from National   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Resource Defense Council on the world wide web:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Losing Patients and Gaining Insight :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

On Losing Patients and Gaining Insight "Call 911!" I shouted to my friend as I sprinted down the street. The young Caucasian male had been thrown fifteen yards from the site of impact and surprisingly was still conscious upon my arrival. "My name is Michael. Can you tell me your name?" In his late twenties, he gasped in response as his eyes searched desperately in every direction for help, for comfort, for assurance, for loved ones, for death, until his eyes met mine. "Flail chest", I thought to myself as I unbuttoned his shirt and placed my backpack upon his right side. "Pulse 98, respiration 28 short and quick. Help is on the way. Hang in there buddy." I urged. After assessing the patient, the gravity of the situation struck me with sobriety. The adrenaline was no longer running through my veins - this was real. His right leg was mangled with a compound fracture, and his left leg was also obviously broken. The tow-truck that had hit him looked as though it had run into a telephone pole. Traffic had ceased on the six-lan e road, and a large crowd had gathered. However, no one was by my side to help. "Get me some blankets from that motel!" I yelled to a bystander and three people immediately fled. I was in charge. The patient was no longer conscious; his pulse was faint and respiration was low. "Stay with me, man!" I yelled. "15 to 1, 15 to 1", I thought as I rehearsed CPR in my mind. Suddenly he stopped breathing. Without hesitation, I removed my T-shirt and created a makeshift barrier between his mouth and mine through which I proceeded to administer two breaths. No response. And furthermore, there was no pulse. I began CPR. I continued for approximately five minutes until the paramedics arrived, but it was too late. I had lost my first patient. Medicine. I had always imagined it as saving lives, curing ailments, alleviating pain, overall making life better for everyone. However, as I watched the paramedics pull the sheets over the victim's head, I began to tremble. I had learned my first lesson of medicine: for all its power, medicine cannot always prevail. I had experienced one of the most disheartening and demoralizing aspects of medicine and faced it. I also demonstrated then that I know how to cope with a life and death emergency with confidence, a confidence instilled in me by my certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, a confidence that I had the ability to take charge of a desperate situation and help someone in critical need.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Living Dead of Afghanistan Essays -- Essays Papers

The Living Dead of Afghanistan Travesties are committed against women every day, in every country, in every city, town and home. In Afghanistan women are not only discriminated against, they are publicly reduced to animals. Women are deprived of basic human rights: they are not allowed to travel outside their homes without being completely covered by the traditional shroud-like burqa; they are not allowed to speak or walk loudly in public; they are not allowed to laugh or speak with other women; they are not allowed to attend school nor work; they are expected to be invisible; they are the ghosts of what were once educated, notable, and successful women. With their ruthless and extreme laws, the Taliban have effectively removed the physical presence of women in Afghanistan. The Taliban have stolen the very souls of these women and have turned them into the â€Å"living dead† of Afghanistan. The Taliban’s harsh restrictions and extreme religious laws have tainted the freedoms and basic human rights of the once valued and prominent women of Afghanistan. In 1996, the Taliban took control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. A report by the U.S. Department of State describes that this takeover was done in a very brutal and violent manner and the Taliban left the proof of their victory hanging in the streets of the city for over a week (par. 2). In Jan Goodwin’s article, Buried Alive, it is written that the men who are in charge of enforcing the laws of the Taliban are called the Department of the Propagation of Virtue and the Suppression of Vice; these men also punish citizens who disobey the laws. The majority of this group is made up of fifteen year old boys carrying machine guns, but also consists of men arme... ...stated in an interview with reporter Jan Goodwin that: â€Å"Our current restrictions are necessary in order to bring the Afghan people under control. We need these restrictions until people learn to obey the government† (par. 48). Women’s lives have changed drastically since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. They have been deprived of basic human rights and been reduced to faceless figures that roam the streets of Afghanistan like ghosts. Most of the world could never imagine the shock of not being able to go to work or wear your regular clothes, to be deprived of such things would be utterly terrible. The Taliban have tried to smother the flames of these women but they refuse to die they refuse to stop shining. These women are strong and will eventually overcome the oppressive rule and rise up from the ashes from which they have been forced to lay.

Monday, September 16, 2019

College Sucess Essay

1. Explain three (3) of the tips discussed in Chapter 6 that you should know about using your campus Library for research Three tips discussed in chapter 6 about using your campus library for research are focus on your research question, take a stance, use computerized. 2. Briefly explain the SCC Heuristic. Why is using this heuristic important when using Internet sources for Research? SCC heuristic stand for sourcing, context corroboration it’s a method to help you with online information when you are trying to put a research paper together. It’s very important when using the internet sources for a research paper because it breaks it down three ways one sourcing which tell you a lot about the quality of the information. And it’s best to trust the information an authority field. Second is context the internet an ever changing source of information so there for you need to ask yourself this question what’s the reason for this site, make sure you check to see when it has been last updated even now most web pages tell you the last time it been updated. Always double check third step are corroboration which deals with the level agreement. When you are writing your paper. You should always check out a few sources to help determine the corroboration because most sites will contain some sort of bias. When you think about corroboration it’s the step that pulls the ideas from different sources. 3. Word Wise: Create original sentences for imperative and honing, two Word Wise vocabulary. Sentence one: At the time it was imperative to clear the black plague Sentence two: On the first day of school I spent two hours honing in the mirror 4. Discuss the research of Paul and Elder concerning how being a skilled writer must be a reflective writer Paul and elder concerning how being skilled writer must be a reflective writer b excuse in a way to learn they mention that writing can be a way to test yourself over the info because you need to understand and explain Cleary to audience. And to become a skilled writer Paul and elder mention to learn how to write reflectively they usually carry on inner conversation while they type and they also think how the audience might perceive the idea. And to help the reader get full understanding the issue they ask themselves question like main point stated points supported and explain fully also learning bring home the importance develop the skills of writing well during your college years. Dr Paul and elder also state learning to write wellis a key to learning. 5. Explain the differences between the typical high school writing assignment and the typical college-level Writing assignment. The differences between the typical high school writing assignment ad college level writing assignment because in high school focused on recounting personal experiences like the five paragraph essay or the research paper, In high school the papers generally involve selecting certain topics example civil right movement, should the drinking age be eighteen or twenty-one and mostly likely the information was collected then you summarized the report. In college it is a little different the expectations are much greater then high school. In college you need to provide thesis statement. A thesis statement lest the reader know the main idea of your argument an explains what you had wrote about, 6. Briefly summarize the four main stages of the writing process The four main stage of the writing process. Is one organizing when you gathering resource together that’s when you can start organize your information? There are different ways you can organize ex notes cards, outline form creating map. But find a way that’s works for you. Most importance when it comes to organizing is not always the format but its selecting the key points. Second drafting your first step ways to organizing how you are ready to begin writing your draft. Make sure you have a good thesis statement make sure it is related to an argumt it doesn’t always have to be perfect these notes can including formation make sure it’s to clarify support. The third step is revising check to see you are still focused on key points if you did all the other step your revising should be easier since you are writing to an academic audience you need to check for grammar and error. Since writings not easier for most students make sure you are doing a lot of revising in order to get it right 7. Explain two (2) of the tips discussed in Chapter 6 for working effectively in group projects. The two tips discussed in chapter six for working effectively in group projects. Are set ground rule this is very important because when you usually work in a group there someone that does not do their share of work and the other team member has to do the work and that become stress on the individual on the person so you always have to set ground rules on the first meeting. The second tips that should of work In a group project is to keep in contact keeping in contact can help out a lot you can schedule meeting time and this should help everyone keep in tack of each other 8. Briefly summarize the steps Chapter 6 recommends for creating an individual presentation. Creating an individual presentation you should create individual make sure first thing list all the task involved next should make a time line that help you not to go over your deadline usually in college nine of ten times you are going to have to talk in front of the class so making 3Ãâ€"5 cards can help.

Situational Leadership

Leadership is as much a function of the situation in which the participants find themselves as it is of the characteristic of a leader. (Discuss) The characteristics of a leader are most important; however, one needs to take into consideration that different situations call for different types of leadership. Previous research by Luccier & Achua (2010) states that different situations need different types of leadership. Therefore, leadership, organisational culture, situational leadership, personality and other traits need to be defined. Furthermore, an exploration of the impact of situations in relation to the characteristics of a leader and/or their leadership style shall be discussed, as will argue how this impacts upon the organisation and its leadership. A discussion of what abilities should be displayed by a leader in different situations, especially in education will ensue. Evidence suggests (Palmer 2011) that leadership changes its meaning, revealing different thoughts as well as different viewpoints. It â€Å"is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organisational objectives through change† (Luccier & Achua 2010, p6. Daft (2005) highlights that there is a connection between leaders and followers, and the goals they wish to attain. In other words, leadership affects power or control, and it takes place amongst people, and those people wanting critical change (Richard & Andrew, (2009). Above all, leadership is about motivating â€Å"confidence and support† who are required t o realise the objectives of the organisation (Palmer 2011; Dubrin, 2004, p. 3) A number of writers have defined traits as â€Å"distinguishing personal characteristics† of a leader for example honesty, appearance, intelligence and self-confidence. Luccier & Achua 2010 p 33; Palmer 2011; Samson &Draft 2003) Personality is the mixture (combination) of traits in regards to specific behaviour. In other words, personality is character, and it affects our decisions. (Palmer 2011; Luccier & Achua, 2004, p. 29) Organisation culture relates to a collection of, standards, and understandings shared by members of an organisation, including new members. (Richard & Andrew 2009) In addition, it is viewed as a â€Å"shared mental model† or â€Å"social glue† that brings an organisation together. (Luccier &Achua 2010; p. 70) The staff at a school, led by a Principal should possess such a model. Situational leadership is a theory identified by Harsey & Blanchard (1969) that purports that â€Å"effective leaders are those that reflect greater change in their leadership style in respect to task orientation and directive orientation in support of individual follower’s abilities and requirements†. Fuchs (2007; p. 15) It is also based on the thought that leadership moves between business followers according to the needs of an individual group at a specific time. Sousa 2003) Ministers of Education, Principals and Education Department heads should all embrace this theory, so that they can instigate positive development and/or change in their respective organisations. Leadership style is the mixture or combination of personalities, abilities and behaviours leaders use as they relate with followers. (Luccier & Achua 2010) Observations of followers can suggest the favoured approach or forms of behaviour used by different leaders. (Fuchs (2007) Thus, a school leader would need to know their staff reasonably well to be able to do so. Organisational success is not only influenced by leadership, but, also by the organisation’s vision, cultural mission and support from the public. However, many specialists argue that strong leadership is very important to organisational needs (Richard & Andrew 2009). Above all, effective leaders are ethos or beliefs makers (Luccier & Achua 2010). According to Palmer (2011) leadership is the skill to encourage, impact and inspire staff to achieve excellent work, and states that motivation is measured as a dominant instrument for employers’ improvement. It also helps leaders to realise the types of people in their organisation and inspire them to get involved in developing and improving the organisation. A practical example of this is illustrated in the USA study which indicated that about 77 percent of workers or employees were not satisfied at work, mainly because they felt they were not motivated by their leader (Luccier & Achua, 2010. ). New employees need to be motivated by their leader, which in turn leads to greater job satisfaction and a greater likelihood of organisational involvement. A Principal should make professional development school wide and appropriate to the school, it students and educational context. Effective leaders are responsible for direction and support of every worker, and also assist with conflict resolution. They also have to be outstanding speakers to be able to communicate well so that they can pass on information to staff and also to people outside the organisation (Palmer 2011; Richard & Andrew 2009). In a school, the Principal/Deputy Principal would need to deal with such conflicts, making sure that they are imparcial and fair, free from bias. Leaders serve as role models for employees and are key motivators. Staff members can model honesty, integrity, commitment and other values demonstrated by their leader. (Luccier & Achua, 2010; Palmer 2011) In addition, they are strategic developers which form the organisation’s vision in collaboration with staff and other stake holders. Above all, they are policy producers and decision makers for both staff and organisations (Cited in Palmer 2011 Dubrin, 2004). Decisions can either be right or wrong, and can lead to the success or failure of an organisation, unless guided by a learned, insightful leader. An effective leader should demonstrate values like accountability, transparency, professionalism, commitment, innovation and motivation. Above all, an effective leader should be versatile to be able to cope with global change and new trends in management and leadership. Principals and others in educational leadership roles need to have up-to-date knowledge and be able to utilise it appropriately. Previous research (Luccier & Achua 2010; Palmer 2011) states that leadership efficiency is learnable. Not all leaders represent leadership hat has been learned. Different leadership styles are used under certain conditions according to Dubrin & Dalglish (2001) they draw attention to Malcolm Fraser's experience. He changed his leadership style due to influences on his situation. For instance, Fraser as Prime Minister of Australia, he was exercising authority, whilst also acting as chairman of CARE Australia, his profile was low. For this reason, one can highlight that the situation has an imp act on which leadership style is most effective. The impact can be influenced by both internal and external situations. Also, it may be negative or positive depending on how favourable or unfavourable the employee’s or leader’s perceptions are (Richard & Andrew 2009). Fiedler’s (1967 as cited in Richard & Andrew 2009) point out that leaders’ have essential features. In the same way he establishes the contingency theory as a session of behavioural concepts based on the principle that there is no one preferred way of leading, and that a similar leadership style does not work in all circumstances. This theory is classifying a manager’s leadership style as task motivated and relationship motivated. Fiedler (1967) used the least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale to measure the degree of leadership style. Fiedler’s theory highlights that situations can be placed into three categories, namely high, low and moderate. Fiedler also used the leader match concept to match leaders to situations. For instance, Fiedler points out that task motivated leaders do better in situations that are high, enabling them to concentrate on building and maintaining relationships. In contrast, for moderate situations the relationship motivated is better, so is not as much of a focal point, as in low situations. Task motivated leaders may do well, but they may create a sense of misunderstanding, while relationship motivated leaders will seek consultations and support staff emotionally. The contingency theory is the most researched and advantageous, however, it had been established that it is very difficult to make sure that it has a good influence on most leaders. Furthermore, the total amount of control a eader exerts differs depending on the time and situation. It has been argued that from the situational characteristics, there is a negative connection between LPC score and group performance. Also, it is hard to make a summary about a leader's performance, when leaders are always adapting their leadership style according to changing situations they find themselves in. More research needs to be carried out on the contingency leadership so that it can be flexib le and meet the desired outcomes of modern globalization tests and organisational requirements. The Situational Leadership model (SLM) was developed by Hersey and Blanchard (1996) as cited in Richard & Andrew (2009). It focuses on followers as being the significant component of the situation, and therefore, defines an actual leader's behaviour. Hersey & Blanchard (1996) highlighted the importance of appropriate leadership training, and stress the importance of leaders being adaptive in exact situations. In the case of school Principals, many have not received adequate training to be able to do a productive and credible job. However, experience, maturity and impartiality may be evident and are the reasons for a person being chosen for such a position. Hersey and Blanchard (1996) support the earlier theoretical assumptions from the Ohio State study which reveal that behaviour of a leader can be a combination of two points of view, such as having aspects of being democratic and autocratic. (Luccier & Achua 2010) The SLM is based on four groups which are a mixture of the two dimensions â€Å"delegating, participating, selling and telling† (Dubrin & Dalglish 2001, p157. This model focuses on the readiness of group members and states that â€Å"there is no one best way to influence group members and the most effective leadership style depends on the level of the group members† (Dubrin & Dalglish 2001 p. 156) In addition, employees differ in readiness levels. For instance, there are those that lack enthusiasm for a task due to a lack of appropriate training. These employees lack confidence in the ir abilities. To improve on this, a change of leadership style may be required. Such employees are in contrast to those with high levels of task readiness. These employees, thanks to better training, are secure and confident employees who are able to make decisions and contributions to their organisations. Luccier & Achua, (2010) argued that leaders should develop skills and task should be clearly stated as evident in MacDonald’s Corporation. The leaders in this organisation provide employees with ongoing training, thus constantly upgrading and improving their skills, so that they can be confident when performing tasks. If a teacher/staff member is not well trained in some aspect of their job, i. e. omputer based programs; Principals ought to provide access to such training, without critical outcomes. The leader has the ability to guide the business to greater success and employee participation by developing better relationships within their organisation (Dubrin & Dalglish. 2001) Such a model would be a good one to be adopted by organisations, especially in Swaziland, where employees are low in their task readiness, due to numero us constraints. This is a situation beyond control and cannot be changed overnight, but, it is a possibility in the future. Therefore, the leadership style can be changed to suit or meet different groups. For example, in a classroom situation, a student with impairment cannot change that situation, but a teacher can change teaching methods by differentiating their teaching in order to meet the individual's needs. This model has been demonstrated as being valuable as a foundation for leadership training. (Dubrin & Dalglish 2001) It has been established that before one decides on a leadership style, one has to assess the readiness level of the group members. It also provides leaders with precise guidelines, and not complicated rhetoric unlike the contingency theory. However, Vecchio's (1987) research on 300 teachers and their principals, showed mixed results, advising that this model is only good for staff that are confident. More research should be carried out in different cultures and differing contexts so as to provide appropriate examples for differing settings, so as to get results that will be relevant to contemporary issues and global challenges. (Dubrin & Dalglish 2001) In conclusion, the contingency and path goal theory focus on â€Å"task, authority and nature of the subordinates†; while the cognitive resource theory illustrates that stress is vital to â€Å"how leader’s intelligence is related to group performances† (Fieldler & Garcia1987; Vecchio 1990; Chemers1997 cited in Dubrin & Dalglish p. 163) Principals have a stressful role, therefore, many draw on such resources to be effective leaders. The SLM focuses on the everyday tasks and the effective applications of behaviours the leader employs. Dubrin & Dalglish 2001). The SLM is a more appropriate model, and has demonstrated its impact by addressing culturally diverse organisations, leadership effectiveness in the global context and by its correlating leadership styles and follower relationships. (Luccier & Achua, 2010). The writer believes that SLM is still the appropriate and relevant style for a leader, as it can bring change to a leader’s behaviour as it is conn ected with relationships, which is more important to subordinates for mutual understanding. On another note, culture is very important when leading people, all the situational models originated and were tested in the United States, which may not be appropriate or have the same impact compared to other cultures in Africa, Asia and Europe. Henson and Werner felt (1989) suggest that the culture of an organisation influences how subconscious and conscious decisions are made in it. (Lok & Crawford 2003) Finally, more research needs to be carried out, that will establish an effective leadership style chosen to be appropriate for diverse cultural organisations.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lawrence Joy Panged Jinn Jinn Shank Hannah Amanda

What are the various types of mallard? How do worms differ from viruses? D o Trojan horses carry viruses or worms? The various types of mallard are viruses, worms, Trojan horses, polymorphic threats, virus and worm hoaxes, back door or trap door, dentifrice's and distributed dentifrice's, and mail bomb. B. A virus must be executed such as opening an infected email attachment while a worm can be initiated with or without the user downloading or executing the e file. C. A Trojan horse carries neither a virus or worm. 2. Why does polymorphism cause greater concern than traditional mallard?Ho w does it affect detection? A polymorphic virus is a complicated computer virus that affects data types and functions. It is a selflessness virus designed to avoid detection by a scan near. Upon infection, the polymorphic virus duplicates itself by creating usable, alb tit slightly modified, copies of itself. Polymorphism, in computing terms, means that a single definition can be use d with varying amounts of data. In order for scanners to detect this type of virus fourscore programs must be written to combat and detect the polymorphic iris with novel variant configurations. Polymorphic virus might have a virus decryption n routine (AVID) and an encrypted virus program body (EVE). When an infected applicant launches, the AVID decrypts the encrypted virus body back to its original form so the virus can perform its intended function. Once executed, the virus is reentry De and added to another vulnerable host application. Because the virus body is not al tired, it provides a kind of complex signature that can be detected by sophisticated an diverts programs. 3. What is the most common violation of intellectual property? How does an org nation protect against it? What agencies fight it?The most common violation of intellectual property is theft, which is illegal taking of another's property. The value of information suffers when it is copies d and taken away without the owner's kn owledge. Within an organization, that prop retry can be physical, electronic, or intellectual. Physical theft is controlled relatively ease Electronic theft is a more complex problem; the evidence of crime is not read apparent. Physical theft can be controlled quite easily. A wide variety of mess urges can be used from simple locked doors to trained security personnel and the install action of alarm systems.Electronic theft, however, is a more complex problem to man GE and control. Organizations may not even know it has occurred. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPE), an organ of the United Nations, suggests laws t enforce Intellectual property rights worldwide. The convention of this organize action establishing on July 14, 1967 focuses on protecting the right of intellectual pro Perry. 4. How is technological obsolescence a threat to information security?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ethics in Environmental Conservation and Research Essay

Serious ethical challenges have confronted stakeholders in environmental conservation and research. The bulk of the challenges gravitates around the relationship between human beings and the non-human environment, and the impact of human activities on the continued existence of human beings and other elements of the non-human environment (Swart, 2008). Researchers have viewed these challenges through several ethical lenses to come up with different perspectives on the place of mankind in the system, and how human beings should interact with the environment. Ecological ethics originated from environmental ethics which, just like the Blackstone’s ethic of environmental rights and the utilitarian ethic of pollution control, focuses on the complex issue of human-nature relationship and the resultant environmental problems which include loss of biodiversity, pollution and scarcity of resources (Minteer & Collins, 2008). Ecological researchers emphasize that although human beings arevery important in the human-environment relationship, they must evaluate the benefits of their actions vis-a-vis the negative impact of such actions. Human beings must not harm the environment knowingly, particularly if the action leading to such harm is not necessary. According to Minteer & Collins, ecological conservationists must ask themselves whether â€Å"the expected value of an ecological study outweigh possible harm to research animals in the target population. † Because it allows a comprehensive view of the forces at play in ecological conservation and research, ecological ethics gives a better understanding of the ethical issues in conservation and research. Ecological ethics holds that the non-human environment is valuable and mankind must protect it. Blackstone viewed access to a clean and safe environment as a fundamental human right, meaning that no one should take away or compromise another’s right to a livable environment (Valezquez, n. d). At the core of Blackstone’s ethic is the argument that human beings must gauge and anticipate the impact of their actions to ensure that such actions do not threaten other people’s access to their environmental rights. Although Blackstone failed to give a clear guide on how it should be done, he argued that polluters should be held responsible for their actions. Non-human life is useful to human life as humankind depends heavily on the former to satisfy their needs. As such, human beings should protect the non-human environment and only assault the non-human environment to meet essential needs. According to the utilitarian ethic of pollution control, environmental problems are pointers to defects in the market. Utilitarians argue that human beings should invest in reducing pollution to the minimum possible, as it is harmful to the welfare of society. This implies that resources should be used when necessary and they should be allocated and used efficiently. According to Valezquez (n. d), utilitarians draw a line to separate the costs firms incur to produce a product (private costs), and the costs incurred during the production process but which the firms do not pay directly (social costs). These include the costs of pollution and health-care costs for pollution victims, and biodiversity loss. When firms consider only the private costs and overlook the social costs, resources are not utilized efficiently as firms do not invest in efficient production systems. The result of inefficient use of resources is wastages and pollution which contravene the very utilitarian principles on which the market system stands. Producers should therefore consider both social and private costs to arrive at the real prices for products. A prominent problem with setting the real price is that many firms are responsible for pollution and it is not easy to determine which firm is harming who and which is not. The most adequate of the three views is the ecological ethic. Ecological ethicists view mankind as part of a larger system which involves continuous interactions with the non-human environment. Mankind therefore stands to lose from environmental degradation and scarcity of resources. The utilitarian and Blackstone’s views may imply that mankind can justify environmental destruction by paying for the same and compensating those who are affected. According to the ecological view however, human beings have the important role of, not simply paying for harm occasioned by their actions but of, protecting the environment from harm and ensuring that harm is tolerated only when the benefits outweigh the adverse effects. References Minteer, B. & Collins, J. (2008). From Environmental to Ecological Ethics: Toward a Practical Ethics for Ecologists and Conservationists. Sci Eng Ethics 14: pp 483-501. Swart, J. (2008). The Ecological Ethics Framework: Finding our Way in the Ethical Labyrinth of Nature Conservation. Sci Eng Ethics 14: pp 523-526.